battle arens stats change

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DMQ, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. DMQ

    DMQ Member

    Noticed this when i was in pub with friend, his recharge time was 2800 yet mine was 2700. Just checked mine again and it is now 2800 and defence points with full def load out has also dropped for me from 9000 odd to 8000 odd from last arena to one ive just registered for... Any reason for this ?

    last BA stats

    Defense Recharge Time 2700 seconds
    Defense Damage Percentage 6.5%

    New BA stats

    Defense Recharge Time 2800 seconds
    Defense Damage Percentage 7%

    I can see that def dam percent has upped, is this the reason ?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    everything is based on skill point allocation, what percentage of SP u have allocated where, your total clan and the strength of your inventory. If any of these things change so do your numbers. Sometimes it seems like you can change quite a bit and not have things change much but there is reason for this as well. There are ranges of percentages which determine when things change, if you are at the beginning of a percentage range it may take awhile before what you have done to your account hits the next range. The higher the level you are usually the higher numbers u have and changes take longer to take affect .
  3. DMQ

    DMQ Member

    But with Defense Recharge Time, im sure that was due to load out and not percentages... With full def on ive been as long as i can remember something like 9330 seconds, now with the same load out im down to 8078, not massive but somrthing i think is not right.

    If this is the case i would like to see or here from someone(out of interest) higher/lower lev than I with the same load out and what time they get in recharge... Same 9330 or lower / higher

    Torque Rifle
    70 308
    Psy Katana
    74 312
    Psy Suit
    74 312
    Cloud Hawk
    74 312

    Q bot
    Level 2530 Kingpin
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I intended but forgot to mention the load outs impact. Your right in that it can definitely have an affect on the amount of time in Def stance, but even that is only in addition to everything else that I mentioned. Your load out can be exactly the same as it always has but the amount of time can still change depending on everything else youve done.

    I think its also important to note that there are caps in terms of how much or how little one can do/have in every category. The scale also changes. Take health for example....adding to it increases ones health reward in the arena at a certain rate but only up to a certain point....then it trails off. You might be adding to it as much as ever but it eventually has less effect on your arena numbers. Basically its one of Kanos attempts to keep players building the balanced accounts which Kano claims the arena is supposed to reward. Yes I completely realize that other things Kano has set up in the arena are in stark contrast to their stated goal
  5. DMQ

    DMQ Member

    Hmmmmm seems a spanner has been thrown in the works, no point then in adding to stuff that builds ya BA stats if they wont do anything... Oh well check out my sig

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