Battle Arena- The most fun nobody's ever had.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Matthew Yartin, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Matthew Yartin

    Matthew Yartin New Member

    I noticed I missed Battle Arena again, though was rewarded with 0 xp this time.

    A majority of the players on Kongregrate that I've talked to have resided in Eastern or Central time zones, yet I have to log in at 1 am on a Sunday night/ Monday morning to participate? ... Ridiculous.
  2. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I agree. The idea behind the start times is to try to be fairer to those players in other time zones. If EST and CST players can't play, players in other time zones that normally can't participate will be able to. Here is my recommendation, especially with the latest change: if you can't participate and get at least 100 attacks in for a ranking, don't sign up. Maybe something will change if arena participation goes down to less than 100 players on a regular basis, and even if it doesn't, the active players will have to beat up on each other and not get loads of free XP from all the inactive players. I'll bet that we will hear more feedback if active players have no one to attack besides themselves, although there shouldn't be ANY complaints from those that want the PvP aspect...
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    LOL sounds good to me Jared :)
  4. Matthew Yartin

    Matthew Yartin New Member

    Taking different time zones into consideration, it doesn't start until 10pm on a Sunday night for the west coast of U.S. That's 6am Monday morning for Western Europe. I guess 8 am isn't terrible for players in the Middle East, and 2 pm is actually very convenient for Chinese players...which constitute 0% of our player pool.

    The 1am start time alienates players from every conceivable location in the world that make up 1% or more of the total Mob Wars accounts.

    Admins, can somebody point this out to somebody with input/control?
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We have rotating start times for the arena (10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm and 10 pm Pacific time) so if a particular Battle Arena is inconvenient for you then there's always the next one.

    We prefer to keep things Pacific based as that is where we're located so if something happens to go wrong in a particular Arena (servers not spinning up to accommodate load for example) we can get someone on it quicker than if we had it at an odd hour of the morning. We tried our best to devise a rotating schedule that would work well for the majority of out players.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Which platform are u playing on that gives "loads of free Xp from all the inactive players'? That def sounds like the one I want to be playing on! Ive been stuck actually having to use stam and refills to get so so XP on the platform Im on. ;)

    In all seriousness though.......what is it that your all worked up about...that inactive players dont get as much as those who actually support the games by actually playing them? Do I really need to explain what the arena is all about?

    The whole start time thing is simply not a valid argument.....they could have 24 different start times for the arena and that wouldnt solve a thing as no start time is going to be optimal for everyone. In fact.....more start times could actually/potentially be detrimental in that there would be more less than optimal start times. Lets not forget that the arenas are only held every 10 days or so, If a player only has one optimal start time than they would have to wait 240 days for that start time to come around again. 4 diff start times is perfectly reasonable. Heck....I dont think any of the start times are perfect for me and Im in the same time zone as kano. But if I wanna play than I make time for it....simple as that, its not as if the playing an arena is anybodies birth right....either u make it or you dont. What about the day of the week arenas fall on? How many start times are optimal when they fall on a weekday in which most people work? i suppose Kano could make so arenas are only on the weekend but then u will have players complaining those days are reserved for family. How about spring n summer months when most people wanna be outside enjoying the weather? See where Im going? In the end its just a game and if u can make it then great....if not....hope to see ya next time. But the fact that someone cant make it regardless of their reasons certainly doesnt entitle them to more than those who actually showed up and contributed.

    The participation numbers may or may not drop off but I dont think they will, players still get free XP just for signing up and the anonymity factor wont leave them embarrassed that they got their arse kicked. If they do drop then so be will be more in keeping with what the arena was supposed to be in the first place and players may actually get a decent return on their investment if they happen to rank well. Personally Ide love to actually come out well ahead in FP for once.
  7. ben

    ben Active Member

    really now i dont even hardly use 1 refill ...
  8. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Ho hum.

    I thought we were in more agreement on this, Polish.

    You don't get better XP inside the arena than outside battling players or killing bosses? I sure do, and I would think that you do as well (at least in Vikings).

    Part of the problem seems to be all of the threads on arena topics. There is no centralized place where all of the feedback can be collected, and posters can't seem to remember the comments they have made on various threads. At least, there wasn't before now... As promised in yet another thread, I have had some time to put all of my thoughts together and post them in one location, rather than going back and forth to different threads.

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