Battle Arena Question

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by AlterEgoT, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    So with this new gawd awful format. One cannot start the sudden death in defensive stance?

    I mean who cares if I start in defense during brawl.

    But it'd be darn nice to get to have a bit of time to come play sudden death and sorry I'm not rescheduling my life and watching a clock to be here at the exact start to click an enable defense button (one that only works for me 1/2 the dang time anyway since usually it's blocked)

    Yet another reason to hate the new format.

    I'll add it to the list
    *stamina Drain
    *no Competitive feel
    *kills the game
    *must be here at the start to play despite being a long dang battle
    *defensive stance only works if not being attacked
    *Punishes defensive accounts
    *highly manipulitative since anyone can buy 3 items and work their loadout
    *be here at the start if want to find anything alive to attack but yet it drags on
    *be here at the start of SD if you want to play at all
    *generally lame "wins" reward. I mean wow I got a point. pft.

    Have I mentioned I HATE the new layout? It's atrocious. It would appear figures back me up on it. I mean you've added how many extra levels can play and the number of entrants is how much less? I believe FB was hoping for 600. Old format had several thousand.

    so anyway, back the question at hand. Am I missing the how to enable defensive stance for SD so I don't have to set an alarm for a point and click free game?
  2. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    nope. if you enable it before the event starts, it runs out and someone takes you down in the first phase, and there is no way to re-enable it without physically logging in to do it. this has been the way it has been since the last round of changes were implemented. while aggravating, i have gotten used to it and still do pretty well if i can get in at the start of either phase. you only need 20 or so kills to get a decent ranking, so it doesn't matter if someone takes you out regardless of whether or not you are in defensive stance during the event.
  3. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    might not matter for where you rank but sure as heck matters as to if any fun. The first phase is a royal drag for me. I liked the old BA so I only want to even consider the sudden death part.

    But I appreciate you replying.

    It's not always about being the big winner. Sometimes it's about the fun in playing ;)
    Kirsten likes this.
  4. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    it doesn't really matter. i couldn't be there for the first phase in the last Vikings arena yesterday, and of course, i got killed. i couldn't make it back until 30 minutes after the second phase started, and there were already less than 20 players left. of course, i had the benefit of extra attack damage with so few players left, but it didn't really help with my 1.5 million health against players that had accumulated over 5 times that. needless to say, i only lasted minutes before i was taken out for good. there's your fun in playing.
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  5. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

  6. 9fingercharlie

    9fingercharlie New Member

    The problem I have is that I cant get on here until like 8 pm cst, and by then, im dead and the battle arena is basically over, and I get no score. Its just a waste of time for me to sign up. A shorter one in the evening time would be better, maybe a regional arena???
  7. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    yet greater xp though. and yes you can enable defense stance before it start. well in game there are MANY gawd awful features than BA lol
  8. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    no, it's not. if you don't want the free xp you get for signing up, send it to me. i'll take it.
    what the heck is the point of defensive stance now, anyway? players either wait for an hour or so and then kill those players off when the defensive stance runs out. some players can even blow through a player in defensive stance without losing much (i know because i've done it myself).
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  9. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    I cannot agree with the fact that defensive stance is pointless. and I believe idea of the def. stance is just to give players some time out. Yes some people use it at the beginning to stay a bit longer possibly because they might be at work or sleeping. and if a player using def. stance to hide he really didn't get the new structure of BA. because new structure doesn't give ranks or xp depending on how long you stayed alive- that's old arena. so doesn't matter how many times you die during the first half, you have to score. so the point of def. stance is, to take a time out, when someone's attacking you or when youre unable to play. don't take it as a shield cause points you have to earn.

    if you can break through a player who's using def/ stance, he must be really weak players who have health in red. and who would be dumb enough to attack a player who's using defensive stance? Defensive stance players gives the lowest points per attack, like 3-2-6- 30 etc. when you burn those stamina just for the sake of kills, someone else gets more score just by attacking a player who doesn't use it like 200-300-400-600.
    And my point was to simply answer his question. Since the format of arena is changes, the winner is always not the one who gets maximum kills, it's the person who is stronger and attack wisely. unless they decided to swap their credit cards.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  10. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    battle arena as been junk since they first introduce it...just like the Raids would be nice if they would go back to the old days where there are nothing like that..i rather work my way up to the tops :)
  11. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    well explained.

    I would only add that there are other strategies that build on what you have stated.

    Such as why you might attack one down in Def. and why kills may matter.

    You might in Def as a defensive strategy. Ie. It's one less your opponent can point off. if for instance you feel good about where you are but that def might not come out and you want to go to bed but your opponent is staying awake. if you take it out they do not point off it when it comes out.

    as for kills. the more health you have the better able to attack you are, once again nearing the end you are a tougher opponent and you can attack freely.

    That being said. The reason proclaimed for this change were:
    1-everyone can compete as you don't have to be strong, hence the lower entry range (I disagree, I think it just changed who could be competitive, did not make it so everyone could but splitting hairs)
    2-it's anonymous so folks don't gang up---BS. Hysterically, pathetically BS. you think we don't know who each other are shortly after it begins? Puleeeease. And yes, we can still gang up and we can still dominate if we choose to. Has it been successful in limiting that? Why sure, of course.....1/2 the place quit playing it. So yeah. It's limited.

    As with every change as of late. The folks that fell in love with the game with the rivalries. It's dull without that pvp push and pull. Everything has that same outbreak/boss feel.

    So, it's now dominated by levellers. The rest that kept the game with personality, just come out of habit. and that is waning.
    bobbyc likes this.
  12. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    I use defensive mode to be able to take a quick break for to dump my energy into the adventures every so often.

    Battle Arena has always been fun to me. It is the one event I look forward to every time, even with all of the changes. The best single thing that the new format has brought is not having to wait for days to see one's score. It was agony having two players not kill each other off in short order.

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