Battle arena fight lists

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Grand Master Fielding, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Why is the fight list on the Battle arena in Kano Server 2 consistently showing only 1 or 2 people? How often do we need to complain about this until KANO has a permanent fix?
  2. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    Could that be from not refreshing the list after reviving? Or, is it that they are the only ones alive atm? There are only 247 (or thereabouts) on KpS2. Not many, so when someone revives or rejoins it is fresh meat to the slaughter. I usually just sacrifice myself to get some sort of score...
    Kirsten likes this.
  3. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I would say because only half of those that did join are playing. Also sure there are some high level people on all of the time and in turn they kill everyone off those revives right away.
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This is exactly the case. If you are presented with a short fight list, refresh the list and you will be presented with more targets (depending on the players left alive at that time, of course).
    George Burd, Lasinagol and Kirsten like this.
  5. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I think kong needs faster refresh, lol people revive and die in 20 seconds maybe this is a problem on kp2?
  6. haggis

    haggis Member

    rewind several BA; refresh the list 5+ times - same 10 people that were there a few minutes ago are now visible again..minus the ripest target of course!

    last BA this still happened 2 or 3 times...
  7. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Mitch - that is not factually correct. I tried that numerous times (in excess of 50) and 95% of the time the fight list remained the same.
  8. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    could that be because there were only 1 or 2 people healed at that time?
    Kirsten, George Burd and Lasinagol like this.
  9. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Then why 2 minutes later would I see a fight list with 10 on it, and after I'd kill a couple of those and the rest would be in D mode - then after refreshing the fight list, would I only see 1 or 2 people on the fight list. Get my point?
  10. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Actually that is not the case Mitch. Quite often I'd be refreshing the fight list over and over again and would only see 1-2 people on it. This occurred over 100 times in the last arena. Please don't tell me this is not the case. Telling me so would be an abject lie.
  11. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I hope we don't have to look forward to the same amount of people joining the Battle Arena for now on. Cents this last had maybe around 200 people that normally join, not join.
    Lasinagol likes this.
  12. haggis

    haggis Member

    still experienced this precise thing more than several times in most recent arena...
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Are you on Facebook, server 2 or Kong/Armor?
  14. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    It was doing same thing to me Mitch, FB VC.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the info JADES; the developers are telling me that everything is working as it should be with the Fight list, but I'll get them to do another review of the code. ;)
    JADES likes this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I forgot to play the last VC one, but ,thinking when you see a few they have revived themselves and are killed almost immediately , so they disappear again, I doubt many are gonna hang around the whole arena and keep reviving,constantly,if they have to go to work,or sleep or whatever. ??
  17. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    It's sad to say that some of the high levels players are able to stay on during the whole or about all of the first 8 hours of BA. Cents how else can they get so many kills.
  18. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    There is one thing I should add. I think KANO should not have the very high players appear on your list at the very top. Cents these past 2 BA, I have attacked people trying to find someone and in end attacking a very high player. Then I end up being killed within minutes of the start. Then I have to revive after 30 minutes and hope there is still people alive for me to attack.
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    The Fight list is randomly generated, so players are not placed in sequence on your list based on strength or level. :)
    Lasinagol likes this.
  20. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    So I guess I am just unlike now.

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