[Other] Battle Arena Entry waves

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Eraser, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Okay, it just flat out SUCKS.. You get home from work, or wake up first thing in the morning, knowing that a arena has just recently started and you're dead before you even get a chance to see what it even looks like.

    My suggestion is fairly simple.

    When you sign up to join the arena, there would be several times that you could choose to enter...

    Say, 1 time every 2-4 hours for the first 12-16 hours of the arena.

    This would make the arenas last longer, because everyone would have a fair shot at getting a good start.... rather than a percentage of total joiners praying on lame fish at the begging?

    It seems more fair to me that some people have to last a few hours longer than others, than how its set up to where some folks never even get a chance at all.

    what yall think?
  2. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Gotta love the silent "1" ratings. Mustard a little courage if you dont like my idea.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Someone posted something similiar to this in one of the arena threads. Only downside of this idea is that people who entered when it started and get killed off do not get a chance to rank higher then players coming in when they choose to. So i will give you a 6 myself its a decent idea still but to many loopholes n this one.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Sorry, I understand being frustrated but that is not gonna work, my feeling is if the time is not compatible with your schedule, wait for one that is better timed, but joining even if you cannot play , still gives you some xp just for joining :) 1 star for now
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Gonna agree with John on this one. Its not really fair to those who start on time and get killed before others even start. I think most players would start as late as possible on purpose just to get a better ranking.

    The rotating start times are Ok with me...eventually everyone will get a good start time. Players also have the opportunity to start in Defensive mode.

    As far as a rating...i just dont see it as better than what we have so i'll give it a 6 as well
  6. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    yes... If you get killed right away, You where not going to rank all that well anyway.. In theese cases. at least you get to play. and entry times would still be alternating as they are now, so in the next arena, It may be better for you to start later, when in this one it would be better to start at the beginning.

    Everybody would get to play, and level up in every arena.

    with less lame targets at the start, playing members would be getting killed, and knocked out erlier, only because there was not so many people unfairly being killed with no way to defend themselves.

    Consider the difference between an offline bounty and one that is. Its really cowardice to attack somone in the arena when they have been asleep since it started. but the current set up, that is the strategy, Kill all the sleepers, so you can have a good health bonus to last the rest of the way thru.

    seems more challenging to actually have to attack somone that is aware.

    What if there was only rankings for the top ranks, the lower ranks being undescript? say you ranked in the "pewter tier" for all the folks that get knocked off so erly that they do not get any rewards and the "bronze tier" for the mass area that a lot of people get a small reward.

    If everybody had a fighting shot. you would see the ranks move much slower.
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Sorry I have to give it a 1.It just wouldn't be right for 2 reasons(which ironically contradict each other)

    A)Those that enter later would have all their beginning health and pick out those with lower health for quick kills and health

    B)Those that dominate when they enter will be next to impossible to kill off if they gain alot of kills and have huge health
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    yes....but lets say i start at noon and i get killed and place #500, over the next two hours 100 players are killed, than u start a 2 pm and get knocked out ....you r still placing at least 100 spots ahead of me. This problem would be greatly magnified if it affected the award rankings. With some of the very short arenas its very conceivable that the last "wave" of players to enter would already be "in the money" so to speak
  9. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    maybe less rewards should be handed out in the arena then?

    Instead of giving rewards to the top 50 percent. only give them to the top 10 percent.

    The arena should lengthen with less easy kills. laying around "free".

    Honestly, the awards handed out at the end of an arena, are far less than what somone can actually be accumulated over the time of playing it...

    I see it as a far more unjustice that players are missing out totally and having a ZERO chance at getting in the arena and pulling out 10 levels in an hour than some people choosing to enter erlier, because thats when they CAN play, and have a lesser shot at a few UN and cash.

    anyone who cares about the ranks that much, would choose to join later. Folks that just want to play would join when they can play.

    i dont see where anyone would be left unhappy in this idea lol.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lessening the number of rewards rankings is a tough one. For starters....it simply wont look as appetizing to those on the fence about joining or not, secondly... I dont agree that its a given that one can gain more by by accumulating during play...yes...it can be done...but its totally dependent on how much someone plays and stam they burn, what about the players that go in and rattle off a few hundred attacks and then just ride it out and place well?

    Ive zero doubt that your honestly trying to help give everyone a better chance of playing and getting rewards and thats to be commended, but no matter how u slice it or dice it....waves or alternating start times for a single arena simply wouldnt be fair to those who started first .

    The fact is that there r players all over the world in diff time zones and its impossible to have a start time that will be optimal for everyone. Even in some other country that is 12 hrs diff you will find players that work day shifts and some that work nights....no matter what u cant please all the people all the time. The one and only way to give as many people a shot at a decent start time is to alternate the starts by the diff timezones....eventually everyone will get their shot.

    I read somewhere here in the forums that someone thought it was unfair that the westerners were getting more opportunity to learn the arena and strategize because all the beta testing has been done in our time zones, that may be the case but unfortunately thats the breaks...Kano is a PST company and they need to test while they are actually working. In the end...The arena is separate from the main game and what ever does or doesnt happen with it doesnt affect our main game. It would be nice if every one got the same exact opportunity but its simply never gonna happen....its a game and either u make time for it or u dont. Its like any other competiton.....either your there when it starts or your not regardless if your reasons r legitimate or not.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
  11. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    if somone felt like it was unfair for them to start erlier than other players.... Why would they join at the erlier time, when they could choose to join at the very latest time?

    Its not making any sense to me that its "unfair" to them... When it would be their choice to start at that time.

    bottom line is More people having a fair shot at playing the arena. It would be a much stiffer competition. That would not sound good to somone who wants to get up in the ranks easily i suppose.

    and ps. Playing in the arena means the BEST XP you can possibly get for your full amount of stamina. You can level in arena unlike anywhere else in the game. yes. rewards for playing can SERIOUSLY outweight the rewards at the end if you have the right skill points.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lol... your killing me here. If the first start time is the best start time for me...then thats when i would start right? Six hours later might be the "best start time for some one a couple of time zones away right? Isnt the whole idea of starting in waves to give everyone an opportunity to start at their optimal time? With that said.....im going to be open to being attacked 6 hours longer than that other guy right? thats why its unfair....just because they live somewhere else in the world.....they get to start later and potentially already be higher ranked.

    It does not matter whether your in it to just level, the arena is a competition and the idea is to win and nobody deserves an extra advantage. Because u or anybody else does it for other reasons is totally beside the point....lol

    Playing the arena is the best XP i can get? NOT EVEN CLOSE! yes rewards for playing can outweigh rewards at the end but it can also be the other way around...LOL It depends on how u play, how much time u play and countless other variables.

    No disrespect,,,,but this is just getting silly now...my apologies for not being able to more clearly explain why your idea is simply wrong and unfair
  13. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    not the best xp?

    where are you getting more xp for your full rack of stamina? Id like to know that.

    Joining co-op bosses?

    Guess what, no matter how many comrades you have in your squad/clan what have you, You are still limited to 25 xp bonus' a day for each type of boss.

    ZS arena starts Tommorow night... I'll give you a level status of my start and ending... by the way not making a purchase either!
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    At my level (depending on which games) most are well below my level....so both bosses (some) and leveling partners offer me better XP than in the arena and its far more consistent. The only thing about the arena is that opponents are just more readily available. The Xp in the arena also fluctuates wildly, the times ive actually averaged it out...it wasnt pretty, except of course when i get into the top 50 it gets better....when top 3....the XP is GREAT....but because the damage dealt is so much higher that doesnt last very long

    limited to 25xp bonus per day for each boss??? ya lost me....not sure what your talking about.
  15. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Can't see this working myself, if someone was to join at the original start time then die early on, i'm sure they'd feel cheated...i know i would....why?

    Simple....if those people that join later on had joined when I did....maybe they'd be out before me....maybe i'd of killed one of them.

    What the waves system would effectively do is give people a free ride to the prize tiers.
  16. alka

    alka Banned

    I gave it a 4, because I feel the start times should be varied to suit all. Four different start times suck for most of the world bar PDT.

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