Battle Arena Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Jun 13, 2012.

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  1. blairwitchseal

    blairwitchseal New Member

    I just hope Autohealers will be disqualified. Other than that......... Lets Get It On!!!!!!
  2. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    @blair - your arena health is separate from your regular game health, it does not heal and the only way to get health is to get an arena kill.
  3. alka

    alka Banned

    The start time still sucks as it's gonna be 10pm here and 11/ midnight for the rest of Europe.
    On a plus side it's a Friday.
    On a plus plus plus it's a Friday and for some the drink will be flowing making them easier to pop off :)
  4. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    Lol Alka that would be good
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    what about attack bots? will Kano be putting the math equation into the arena?
  6. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Here's a quick strategy refresher to prepare some of you for the battle!

    -Attack your target once to get some insight into their health and profile stats. Depending on their health and how much stamina you have available decide if they are able to be killed or try saving them to your target list for later.
    -Remember any attack on a target will land you in their attack feed for retaliation.
    -The better your attack perk, the more guaranteed minimum damage you'll do to that target.
    -Fight List can be refreshed every 30 seconds to get a new set of targets.
    -Help from a friend is also another good way to counter attack during times of heavy attacks from one attacker.

    -Before the arena starts make sure your skills are allocated and armed/item strengths are the best they can be, this info is shown in your arena profile.

    -You need kills if you want to last and rank higher in the arena, leaving things to chance and hiding out will not guarantee you a good rank.
    - Look for players who give out a lot of health when defeated (health reward shows below health bar)

    -Contact friends and coordinate attacks, share target names and find them using the find interface located at the top of the fight list.
    -Don't waste alot of stamina on multi-attacking one healthy target only to get the kill stolen, a flurry of attacks timed right can result in better kill opportunities.

    Defensive Stance
    -Use the defensive stance to reduce damage received in times of heavy attacks.

    -While gaining xp in the arena, complete other features in game to maximize your level ups and stamina refills.
  7. Craig KillZZ

    Craig KillZZ Member

    I "KNOW" there ARE some really Paranoid people out there, but I don't think even 10% of what gets reported even exists!! First we hear of ALTs then BOTS, then auto BOTs, NOW -- auto Healers?? really?

    Well, I would be more worried about the auto skill points BOT and especially the NEW the Auto Levelers BOT and while were at it ...
    Why not just make it an auto battle???

    PS: I must be slacking off -- I usually get accused of "every new cheat" that comes along.!.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    "Auto healers" or "healing bots" and "attack bots" are very real and can even be purchased on-line...go ahead and check for yourself
  9. DirtyDawg

    DirtyDawg New Member

    If it starts at 2 PM PDT, I'll still be at work, so prolly by the time I get home I'll have been killed off.

    Any way to delay entry until you are at least online?
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    How would that be fair to those that were there on time?
  11. DirtyDawg

    DirtyDawg New Member


    Some of us have a life. As in we work to earn a living, sleep etc.

    If you want to sacrifice your life for a game, go right ahead.

    I guess this will be the first and last battle arena I for me. Sheesh.
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    The times will vary as this new feature continues, so just wait for one that fits your schedule, it is never gonna be good for everyone at the same time, considering all the different time zones, this is still only the 4 one and is still being tweaked.
  13. DirtyDawg

    DirtyDawg New Member

    LOL Why don't you get a life?
    Oh yeah right. You don't want one.

    Looks like the winners will be the losers who live in mommy and daddy's basment. :p

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    You are a clever one arent ya? Silly me for thinking their might be retired folk, home bound or stay at home parents that might play this game. Hopefully u put a bit more thought into your "life" than u do your comments. Good luck with that life of yours....i gotta feeln your gonna need it ;)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  15. alka

    alka Banned

    Who cares. Use what you want. Kano will only tell people to put the ball into Facebook's court if you are cheating. It's called " Being desperate to cling onto customers".
    Enjoy the battle :)
  16. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

    OK I've read this thread but still none the wiser ... Do we need to demob everybody before we start? Is it attack kills only or do we get to punch? Is there an allotted amount of stam that can be used or can we go nuts? Is there anything we can do to improve our chances of survival before it starts? Please explain in simple form not everybody can get a handle on the technical side when it comes to working out personal stats etc :)

    Thanks x
  17. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    no demobbing needed , anyone is fair game and only straight attacks, there is some where here, posted yesterday a outline that is pretty simple to understand, even for me , if I can find it I will post it here also
  18. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    this was in this thread, and for me it was easy to understand, but I also have been following all the info since the first arena, trying to get a good understanding, and this put it all together for me, hope it helps

    Here's a quick strategy refresher to prepare some of you for the battle!

    -Attack your target once to get some insight into their health and profile stats. Depending on their health and how much stamina you have available decide if they are able to be killed or try saving them to your target list for later.
    -Remember any attack on a target will land you in their attack feed for retaliation.
    -The better your attack perk, the more guaranteed minimum damage you'll do to that target.
    -Fight List can be refreshed every 30 seconds to get a new set of targets.
    -Help from a friend is also another good way to counter attack during times of heavy attacks from one attacker.

    -Before the arena starts make sure your skills are allocated and armed/item strengths are the best they can be, this info is shown in your arena profile.

    -You need kills if you want to last and rank higher in the arena, leaving things to chance and hiding out will not guarantee you a good rank.
    - Look for players who give out a lot of health when defeated (health reward shows below health bar)

    -Contact friends and coordinate attacks, share target names and find them using the find interface located at the top of the fight list.
    -Don't waste alot of stamina on multi-attacking one healthy target only to get the kill stolen, a flurry of attacks timed right can result in better kill opportunities.

    Defensive Stance
    -Use the defensive stance to reduce damage received in times of heavy attacks.

    -While gaining xp in the arena, complete other features in game to maximize your level ups and stamina refills.
  19. alka

    alka Banned

    People need to be aware that Defence is for a timed period only and once out of defence you have to wait another time period before going back into defence.
    You cannot attack someone while you are in Defence Mode, so they need to be sure they don't want to fight for the timed period before going into it otherwise they will have to wait, I think 50 minutes to go back into it!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2012
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I ""think ""you can attack some in defense mode but the damage is gonna be less, thinking I saw or heard it somewhere, not gonna swear to it right not though,( I could be wrong )till I can find it
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