Base hitlist?

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Seth Mad Dog, May 14, 2011.

  1. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    My base hitlist from the user tab is $1.034 billion. Isn't this the minimum to hitlist me? I just got hitlisted for $775,635,106. A few days ago I was reading the help on hitlisting and about the base hitlist so I need some noob clarification.:confused:
  2. when listed a fee is taken

    i think zombies takes 25% fee

    other 3 i believe is 15% fee
  3. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    OK thanks for the clarification. :D
  4. malific

    malific Member

    Those numbers are correct... People actually do pay a billion to put you up, but the game takes away 25% of the original bounty (and shows that reduced amount in your feed).

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