[PC] Avatar

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Salman Al-buainain, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Hi,since KANO are not adding new things to the game, i started to think of new things to be added to the game. I have many ideas, but i will start with an idea that i think all will like and it wont affect on the game. Okay, my ideas first I want them to be in Pirate Clan, and for the other game..I don't care, because Pirate Clan is the most game i spent my time on.

    Okay the idea is very clear from the title of the topic, but i will explain how I want it to look like in the game.
    now in the game there are 6 character and it present 6 different avatars, so i think it will be more exiting that we do our own avatar. The features of the character keep the same, the Rogue Pirate features for example keep the same only the avatar change. okay i think you got this point.
    The creation of the avatar should be fully of us. We do the face,body,dress,hair,background,hat,accessories,facial hair,etc... Okay.. KANO will make a table divided in this way (face)(body)(background)(accessories)(hair),etc... and we enter each section, in each section we will find some items and we put it on our avatar.

    I think you all had already get my idea, any question add them and will answer you :)

    As i Said, The idea I pose and KANO accept them, I would like to see them first on Pirate Clan and then on the other games :)
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    We discussed this idea in our last meeting, would it work if we used the Faction leader's avatar on FB or MS in lieu of a custom option? The problem is that order to deliver something in a timely manner, it would require a significant development effort on our behalf to implement a proper custom solution.
    This would also be a loyalty tier benefit in our minds for a few reasons. One, it'll keep inappropriate avatars to a minimum. Two, it is a premium offering.

    It has been talked about before but went nowhere because of an abuse situation they see it could posssibly be. Now they have talked in the past about adding more options themselves but custom ones would be like they said if it was allowed it would be a loyalty factor and also have to be monitored for abusive purposes. Just relaying what was posted before on another thread.
  3. There are new features added to Pirate Clan all the time, the most recent being the Battle Arena.

    As for your idea, I really don't like it personally, I don't really want to be messing about with what my character looks like because I am not too bothered, as long as it does what it says on the tin :)

    Sorry but I've awarded this 1 star.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im a little confused by your comment...."Hi,since KANO are not adding new things to the game". Ive played Kano games for quite some time now and I cant remember a time when they've been more pro active with updates.

    With that aside, Im picturing something very much like "Vampires"....is that what your talking about? They had multiple options that u could pick from to customize your avatar, some were unlocked....some could be bought...is this what your talking about?

    That could be kinda cool, but actual gaming ranks higher on my list of priorities. The option on Vampires was kinda cool....but then again the lag on Vampires became so bad it was practically unplayable. If Kanpo cxould pull something off that was similar that didnt affect actual gameplay what so ever....I say cool,, but if its gonna bog down the servers...NO WAY! will wait to rate until I read more.
  5. for people who are saying about the sentence that kano dont add new things...you may didnt understand what i really mean..! i meant there are no new features .. except the battle arena... for the lands etc.. these cant be called new feature .... okay.. i really meant .."new idea" !!

    @Jon..for making the avatar.. you should make that we SHOULD have something on so there be no abuse as you said..
    and yep for the art and how to put it on.. it will be hard and a big challenge to make everything fit correctly..

    @polishpimp , yep it may be something like vampires(didn't played it over 2 years or more:p, play now only kano 4 games and some other games) yep .. some should be unlocked at certain level..job..achievement ..and they should be bought so we can add them to our avatars .. it should be a bit hard to get the items... cool items cost 500B-1T and non-cool should be 100B-400B just an example.....
    if adding it will effect on the game play and will make it laggy we dont need it... but i dont think that will make some lag on the game ..
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I do not care what my avatar looks like I picked it for what it did for me in the game, be it faster energy, stam, etc, and yes I can imagine the possibility of a lag, in a fighting game, anything that could cause that is not needed, but I guess Kano can weigh in on it, they are the ones who would have to do all the work, as far as nothing new??? They have added ( including the art work ) for new locations, bosses and drops at a very nice rate since around Easter Island, including all the crafting items that go along with those locations, all those limited items , that is always changing, that is art work and additions also, ( besides they do this for all the games) so I think they need to stay focused on other things, but good luck with your idea, I give it 2 stars

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