[All] armadas

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    so i dont beleive this has been brought up before(this is going to have a few ideas in it)-

    i think that the armada page should get a new layout/ a refreshing new look to it.

    some things that should be added are the ability to have more alliances and enemies. and the people that are in your alliances i believe there names should be green meaning they are your ally and that you shouldn't attack them. and if they are your enemy armada then everyone in that armada should have there names appear red and this would be in addition t saying armada enemy or armada alliance member next to their name.

    have a badge that the leader of the armada can give to its members so that all that view their profile page when it shows the initials (4 letters/numbers in parentheses) and what rank the leader gives the person. there would be a couple of ranks that you can award people and these badges would vary depending on the game you are playing. but there would still be officers as the second in commands for the armadas but the amount of officers should be 4 because that would mean you can have 5 total people basicly in control of the armada instead of 4 as it is now wich is sorta an off number.

    and the last thing is that there should be a help button there only visible by the leader that helps them understand what every button does and just make it easier for them to understand. because when i was appointed leader i didnt know what any of the buttons did so i was asking others what everything did and i know what everything does now but before i knew i was a little afraid to mess with the buttons becaause i dindt want to change or mess up anything for how the old leader had everything. most people probobly wont understand what i am talking about for the last part so what i say is go and create your own and then you will know exactly what i meen. but if you are already an armada leader you will probobly understand that it can be confusing for what everything does at first so a help button only avalible to the leader would help out tramendous if you are a new leader
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Doubt anyone want's more "fluff" at this time.

    Huh? You don't know your own alliance guilds tags and want more than 10? Enemies guild's that's easy make them submit or move on 10 is plenty.

    More fluff on badges, another officer spot not against to take over the work load when offline.

    More fluff yet again, it only takes a little bit of time to run through options if want to run your own guild.
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    these are just some suggestions to make armadas more appealing and better. and for the allinece guilds having diferent color names makes it imidiate what they are to you ally foe or neutral. just saves time when scrolling through battle list if you have one. and if you havnt added all of your allienes people then it is basicly telling you to add that person or if it is an enemy then it is saying attack him and dont add. one more thing is i say add more allies and when you add more allies i think it would be off ityou dont add more to enemies as well so the way i look at that is you add to one you add to the other.

    and the badges would be awarded as the leader sees fit, say you are a guild leader and you have a guy that has been there for years and he isnt a officer for some reaosnn wouldnt you want to give him a title to at least recognise your appreciation towards him. because i would and alot of others would agree.

    and as stated for the last part having a help button explaining what everything does just maes things easier to understand you can call it fluff but it is something that should have been there all along.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Well on alliances they don't work that way, we each have enemies "alliance or not" people in range to grab this "no hit" away from guild members players IMO is BS. You really want to hear more drama as a guild leader, he hit me we are alliance?

    Yes I can see color change, but would make no difference. Each to their own.

    Badges still fluff, appreciation is "good" but warranted for DEV's time? Not what I'd grab for.

    As for help button for guild, how long it take you 10 mins? To figure it all out?
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i gave this an eight, while i think theyre decent enough ideas, i think there are other things that could use some work before they work on stuff like this
  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    You mean like this? that is already in place? Not sure on alliances as our guild will not accept any, due to people crying he hit me we are in alliance, pfffft

    Kirsten likes this.
  7. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    sorta like that but the peoples name would be colored the same green/red depending on if they are enemy or allience to armada. and ya it can get annoying so i understand why you dont want any
  8. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    bump anybody have any more thought on this
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    nope no thoughts . :p

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