
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Tat27, Nov 10, 2012.

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  1. Tat27

    Tat27 Member

    I honestly do not care if someone has already whined about this.
    It's complete and utter nonsense. You're going to go from allowing people to be competitively active and excited for the arena, to this desolate attitude because you put a limit on attacks?
    Where's the fun of that? The attacking is quite obviously the only thing you can do on Arena.
    I find it ridiculous that we could bring a person down to literally 3k health, and then it's stolen from us because you put the limit.
    I realize someone likes it, because, well, they are extremely slow with the concept of arena.
    Didn't say names. Could be anyone, male or female.
    Still. Just because someone starts bitching that they died too fast 'cause someone was repeatedly attacking them doesn't mean you have to completely ruin everyone else's fun.
    Quality over quantity. ;)
    I'm sure many people would enjoy it back.
    Just saying.
    It's b.s. :cool:
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Please keep all the posts on this issue in the same thread. Here

    Thread closed.
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