arena fight list is random?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    What is the deal with arena fight list? There has been all sorts of issues with it as Kano has tried to tweak it numerous times.....recently we were informed that it was now 100% random. I got news for ya....its about as far from random as it can possibly get.

    For starters...when i refresh only part of the list refreshes. I end up having some players on my fight list without changing position for hours.

    Secondly..... its as if players are tied to a page not individual, For example....(a) and player (b) show up on my fight list in that order, eventually upon refreshing they go away,,, eventually when they show up again they will again appear together in the same order.

    If its random why does most everyone start the arena with the exact same fight list? If its random....why is there certain players that dont show up for anyone other than maybe the very beginning and the very end?

    Its just odd that that myself and those that i communicate with during the arena can have played for hours and then all of a sudden a whole new wave of players that none of us had seen prior become available to all of usall at the same time.

    Personally I just dont think its fair that its not actually random, obviously when the arena starts its the most active time......the poor saps that start the arena on everyone's fight page are at a distinct disadvantage. Then there are those that just seem to defy the odds and just sorta disappear for everyone until the very end of the arena.

    Its also kinda weird that certain names that are obviously linked to one another (played by one player or a team) crayon and blue crayon more often than not show up right next to one another as if the fight list is displaying names in the order they signed this the case?

    Can we please get a truly random fight list? One that randomly select an entire new list of players individually when we refresh......not a page of players nor just half a list. TY.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    It is random.

    It's a random set of patterns.
  3. slave

    slave Member

    does this mean if i sign up last i wont be displayed till the very end????
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lol....wouuldnt that be funny...there would be a mad dash of entries right before the arena started.
  5. slave

    slave Member

    its easy to tell when you finally make it onto the "random" fight list, its only happened to me three or four times in the 8 arenas or so we have had, but all of a sudden i have a dozen or so people all hitting me once.....

    probing me for health
  6. I dont play the arena much myself, but I noticed that last arena there was quit a lot of players on MS that ranked in the top 100 who never attacked (best place was 25) Think that back up your theory ;)
  7. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    I noticed the first 6 or 7 hours of the arena, that the list hardly changed for me, and i would refresh it alot. Some times i would refresh and there was only 1 or 2 different people on it, but those 1 or 2 different people on it were ones i had on it before. Only times i noticed any big differences was when i walked away from the arena for 30 or 45 minutes and refreshed.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Anything to add Kano?
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    What's there to add?

    It's random as it can get.

    NOTHING is 100% random.

    Even the crit hit in battles has a pattern.

    Arena list is random as it can get.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its obviously not as random as it gets when the whole list does not refresh or when blocks of players in the same order come up routinely.
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey Kano made it randomer than it was.

    It's still random upon refreshing.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Yes....its better than it was. Im not criticizing Kano....I would just like it to be more random or at the very least have the whole list refresh. I dont see it as being all that fair when some players are stuck on my list for what seems like forever, I eventually kill them just to get em off my list. I think it would be much more fair to them that they were killed randomly then because they r stuck on my list. By the same would also be more fair if the whole list refreshed so those that currently come up very rarely are more likely to come up.

    Previously when it wasnt as random we were having the same issue with the entire list not refreshing...coincidentally these players that stick on the list are all inactives. When i consider your sketchy position on wishing inactives would do better than actives....I would think you wouldnt want this to happen either. But then again you are consistently inconsistent ;)

    Btw ....just a few posts back u said it was "as random as it gets".....nice to see your finally coming around
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Randomer doesn't contradict what I said earlier.

    Yes its randomer.

    But nothing is totally random(believe I said that even before random as it CAN get)

    Well hey if inactives are stuck on the list then they're stuck.

    If inactives rank higher than actual players then more power to them.

    Never said I want them to rank higher,I just said I like the fact that they can rank higher.

    Not the inactives fault no one kills them off.
  14. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Hmm, strange. The lists are theoretically supposed to be generated 100% randomly upon refreshing (but only once every 30 seconds.) From what you guys are saying it doesn't sounds like that's happening, so I'll get someone to take a look at that and double check the part of the feature.
    Is there anyone who is noticing a mostly random battle list in the Arena?
  15. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    A few of the same names(only a few)mostly random though.
  16. I agree with Polish. I experienced exactly what he described. BTW, randomer is NOT a word.

    It's disingenuous to wish that inactive players rank higher than the active ones. Just so those who are active know, if Polish and I are still alive as the arena is nearing its end, we try the best we can to kill off the inactive players first. We WANT the active players, the ones who spent their time and stamina, to rank as high as possible. AND, if they wouldn't go into defensive mode at the end, as some do, then we would be more willing to allow them to rank even higher. If you do go into defensive mode with less than 50 players left, you will die first. We level more off you, so there is a trade-off for us.

    Yes, we take care of our guild/armada members first, but we WANT active players to be rewarded. Now, Kano, if you would make it more worthwhile for people to be active, that would be great! It seems a bit miserly for those ranking 51 to 100 to get ONE favor point. Please consider breaking that down further. It isn't easy for most players to achieve those levels, so it would be nice to see them get more for their success in reaching the last 100. IMO
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Not the inactive players fault if they're not considered a threat and slip through the cracks.

    That's on all the ones that had the chance to knock them out and didn't.

    So inactives ranking higher is a sign of stop attacking the actives and get after the inactives.

    Not hard to tell whos inactive and whos active.

    So if inactives rank up in the favorable reward tiers,more power to them.

    Should it happen?YES.

    Why should it happen?Inactives are the ones that have a greater chance of getting knocked out.So for them to get up there without attacking once,hey,shows that all the actives did something wrong.

    Loophole?Not at all.Again,not the inactives fault they weren't attacked.

    So I for one am glad this is possible.

    Teach the actives a lesson.

    If you don't go after the inactives first,then they can very easily rank higher than you.
  18. I guess the fact that you get knocked out of the arena early on every time accounts for the fact that you don't get the point. Inactive players don't show up on the rival pages as much as the active players do. And, if you couple that with the fact the the rival list is FAR from random still, there are tons of inactive players who don't even cross my path, or the paths of the team members I may be working with, till the very end.

    Therefore, inactive players have done nothing to earn any reward. But I realize you just want to argue for the sake of argument. So drone on......and on......and on.
  19. As for your message to me in your signature, LOL, KMA. You can counter all day long if you want, you will lose every bit of that xp when I list you. :) And you can stuff your twinkie where the sun doesn't shine.
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey I disabled my D stance last arena and ya ALMOST had me :)

    Guess inactives shouldn't get credited kills either if someone kills themselves on one trying to prevent their attacker from getting the health reward(successfully I might add for the first time)

    I get the point of it.

    But hey,those inactives might not of crossed your path,they sure did cross the paths of other players.

    So yes,again,inactives have the greater chance of getting knocked out.

    Inactives making it up the ranks is something I like about the arena.

    That is random how inactives can make it up there.

    Random fight list,random chance of how you get knocked out,how can anyone possibly want it more random?

    If you're saying inactives show up less than actives,then next arena should be interesting as I won't get to participate in it.

    Wonder how long I can escape detection.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012

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