a level 100 anchorage boss? You realize that sucker would be billions of health, and likley up close to if not passed 100,000 in attack and defense.
Ill be willing to bet this game comes to and end, and nobody is playing before that happens without the motivation of an achievement.
mess up the game how? people start aiming for bosses they cant beat, the amount of boss help deminishes, because folks have had full bosses for 3 1/2 days.
and what happens when you have 10,000 stamina in your squad members boss, that you got crap XP to start with. and it goes over that 4 day mark. You going to help them like that on their next level 70 fisherman? or you gonna put 2 stamina in it and call that help?
I am always thinking about the future. Im a bit of a dreamer you see. I already have the next 5,300 skill points already placed in my mind.
Last edited: Aug 25, 2012