[ZS] Another hired idea

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by God of Bacon, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I know my last one still wasn't implemented, but I figured I'd give this a shot.

    "Savage" and "Noble". The purpose of these two are to be very powerful hired squad, but at a price. Savage would be the attack based one, while noble would be the defense based one. Savage would gain 300% of your total attack strength, while draining 300% from your defense, and vice versa for the noble.

    For an example, if you put it in your top squad and gained 3000 points of attack strength from it, then it would drain 3000 points of defense strength from it. Same goes with the additional hireds strength.

    This would be good if people really needed to amp up one side of their strength, but it would come at the cost of leaving the other one in the dust.

    They would look something like this on the UN page.

    Savage Abilities:
    Attack: 300% of your Total Attack Strength
    Defense: -300% of your Total Defense Strength.
    Upgradable: Yes

    Noble Abilities:
    Attack: -300% of your Total Attack Strength
    Defense: 300% of your Total Defense Strength.
    Upgradable: Yes

    The idea behind this is that when launching an attack, you would shift all of your defense force over to give the best results at killing the enemy. On the contrary, while on defense you would switch your offensive forces to help defend yourself to keep you alive, and push the enemy back.

    EDIT: Also, this being a more powerful hired squad and they way you could use them(Like say in arena to maximize defense when in defensive mode, or offense when trying to attack) I wouldn't mind these costing 50 UN to buy.
  2. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Any reply?
  3. Z Slayer

    Z Slayer New Member

    10/10 Good Idea

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