As if people didn't want to kill me enough already, i would like to 'poke the fire', so to speak.
There is a technique for racking up many kills, that i'm sure some of the relentless killers out there must swear by...
If it hasn't already got a name, i shall refer to it as "hunting the fightlist for one stam kills".
It is very simple, just spam on the [FIGHT] button, as if it were the [HITLIST] button (good practice ) and tap those miniscule red bars as they appear. It might take a while, but they do appear.
Just think of how many players there are and how quickly they are going to regen out of the hospital. I don't however, think that this would work for Cagematch killing.
Safer bet would be to just get some clan if you would rather play pirates...
Last edited: Jul 25, 2011