i think that all kano games should start you off with 2 hired caps(not sure what they are called in the other games) because once you get all the way to 999 hired caps you basicly waist 10 fp. or at least there should be a buy 1 hired cap for 5 favor points so we arent loseing any fp.
I dont play that game, but can read between the lines you get 2 hired for 10 fp....You need 1000:2x10 = 5000 fp AND your problem is you waste 5 fp LMFAO
ya why should you waste 5 fp if you dont have to i meen thats half way to getting a energy or stam boost. or a fith or sixth of the way to buying a limited time/quantity item.
im shure this issue was brought up in lcn and was resolved so you didnt have to pay 10 for the last hg ??