All bow to the advancement in technology

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Garth Jones, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    Hi folks,

    Just want to air my opinion, with the invent of the Tablet, the scale has dipped, it is becoming more and more difficult to compete for bounties if you do not own one yourself and near impossible to keep up with someone that has one and is attacking you. I can't see everyone going out to "upgrade" so to speak, so I am left to ponder what effect is this going to have on the game and if the powers that be are going to address this disparity of technology?


    Garth Jones
  2. So what

    So what Member

    it takes practice and skill

    ive been on an i pad for the last year and apart from the last few weeks with reloading on kano play not been able to load or staying on repeated loading till u just go back and log on at your main pc ( but thats a new bug)

    its easy

    and if i can heal with the new super fingers getting 19 attacks in in 10 seconds despite their lack of health
    IT WILL NOT show you all those attacking until after you booby trap of get killed and then it will show all attacks

    so JUST keep healing

    then my friend need to practice

    i will tell u this ...dont try for hitlist immediately ...wait and attack the time difference seems to work
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  3. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    My point has nothing to do with how one plays the game... or how one should play it, it's the reality of the advancement in technology and those fortunate enough to benefit from it and those that won't. (Just as a matter of interest, I hunt very successfully when the Tablet brigade aren't around :)
  4. So what

    So what Member

    same w t g you ...not easy
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Are you saying that it is easier to hunt for bounties with a tablet?
  6. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    From what I have been told, most definitely, after all, two thumbs are better than one mouse :)
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No disrespect but this thread seems pretty silly. Someone playing on a home PC obviously has an advantage over a mobile device., someone with better pc obviously has an advantage over some old piece of crap.Why on earth would the game developers do anything about this.....are they gonna buy us all new PCs every time a better one comes out?

    My truck isnt the newest model and isnt as fast or efficient as the latest model.....i wonder what the Manufacturer is going to do about that...its not fair that others are driving around in a newer shinier

    I cant see this having an additional affect....there has been the same disparity in tech from day 1
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I use a mac laptop trackpad, I can touch it anywhere on the pad, no mouse I can use one finger or as many as I want still only give me one click at a time , and I agree with Polish, kinda silly to expect Kano to do something, unless you were just posting an opinion of what you prefer to use.
  9. ben

    ben Active Member

    i use a pc myself and i sure get my fair share of bountys... i no people are having some trouble using laptops ...
  10. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I have no problem catching bounties on a laptop. You must not be using your resources properly.
  11. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    It is my opinion of course, however what I have not mentioned is my location which I also believe is to my disadvantage but I'm not complaining about it nor am I complaining about the technology, if you read my original post I am still left to ponder and ponder I shall remain. For those of you that have no problem at all bounty hunting, good luck to you as I am sure if I had what you have, I too would not be voicing my opinion but as I know how many daily bounties I used to get in the past to what I am able to get these days I can only logically conclude that those "who have it" are the ones that get it.

    Just as a matter of interest, (based on one's location), who knows of a successful bounty hunter located in say Australia?
  12. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Australian Bounty Hunter. I'm not sure how they call themselves now, but Relentless was an Aussie as far as I remember and I think they were a good hunter, too. It's been a while, though, and my memory may be faulty.

    I tried playing on a tablet, once. I personally found it annoying, I prefer a PC with a gaming mouse.
  13. slave

    slave Member

    sounds to me like a violation of terms of service to be using two fingers or two thumbs or a combination of two fingers and two thumbs after all isnt this the same thing as using two computers and both hands???????

    i personally cant see a difference in it
    how about one tablet and one computer....another violation of terms of service
    i want to hear how that is an exploit and accounts will be looked at if anyone is signed in simaltaneously to both a tablet and a pc...after all we can only use one device, im sure i read that in here someplace....and by someone from kano too...

    i hope you can all see the ridicoulousness of where we are going
    i personally just bought a new pc
    and it blows away my old pc so bad, its unfair for me to be using it playing this game
    so im sure by having a terabyte of Ram im violating something and its unfair to someone using a 286
    and heaven help me if the 5 ladies in the back room all on my account are attacking too.....
  14. slave

    slave Member

    pimp i need a new truck now...
  15. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    lol :) I just got myself a new one and had great expectations to improving my lot but the reverse has taken place instead, now if it's not Tablet users that are grabbing them all, what is the problem? I track all my bounties, I know who, how many and how much I get daily and it is no where near to what I used to get when using my old 640MB RAM AMD processor. I'm now using 4GB RAM and an Intel I7 so go figure cos I can't. Another thing, I know of a player, who plays less than I do, yet continuously is able to reach in excess if 1000 bounties a month. (Don't worry, apparently Kano checked it out and all is good ! I can only speculate in debate to what is going on here and in doing so voice my opinions. I have even contemplated that maybe it's because I am a non-paying user and I kick a lot of paying users butts, and maybe I am being conspired against because of this, I really don't know, it just doesn't seem right. As for the Australian bounty hunter, I know Relentless, however, his bounty count is way less than mine but at least he has a chunk to his name, so good for him :)

    As a footnote I believe that in a fair set race, a Tablet will be the fastest, hence my opinion about them but like I said, if they not causing this unexpected expectation them what is?

    Cheers :)
  16. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Relentless left the game sometime ago.
  17. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    He is still around though :)

    And before anyone tells me to revert back to my old PC, here's a thing... this that is happening to me started after I upped my bounty from 50 Bill to 100 Bill as I had reached the last banking achievement purely on bounties. This is also about the same time I got myself a new computer.
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There is a ton of things that might explain your decline in bounties like the number of people going for them. Player count has declined and with it so have things to do and more people sit on the bounty page. Perhaps even more other players building hunting friendly accounts and getting stronger. But most likely you have finally reached the stage of the "bounty delay", In Kanos infinite wisdom they impose penalties on higher level players and players who excel in certain aspects of the game. I know this defies logic in a game that initially rewards players for doing all these things.....but I assure you that it happens. Kano is like a liberal Government....they want all to succeed despite the fact that some are contributing or succeeding more than others. In other words they want to spread the wealth amongst the players in hopes of making more money for themselves. As history has shown when you do this at the expense of others against their has the opposite of the desired affect
  19. slave

    slave Member

    ok pimp but what about my new truck?
  20. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    Thanks for this, it's good to know that conspiracies are feasible when logic doesn't add up :)

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