[LCN] Add me feed

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by God of Bacon, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    So I started playing LCN about a week ago and realized just how important having a big mob is. I've been raiding calender feeds, world chat, world boss feeds, ect. all trying to get more people in my squad. I'd like to suggest this. There be a little feed on one of the sides of the home page with names of people who want to be added. Clicking on their name would prompt a message saying "Do you want to add this person?" , and you'd click yes to send the add me message automatically. You could post in there once a day, people that are already in your mob would be filtered out, and someone you're already friends with on facebook would send a mob request. It would make it easier for people to build up their mobs and make connections in the game.

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