[Other] Ad Revenue

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by God of Bacon, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    This is solely to help KANO in their monetary gain so they could spend more time helping us in return instead of worrying about cash flow.

    Many people play the facebook connect version instead of on the facebook site itself. My proposal is that instead of the zombie art in the side you could throw some ads there and collect revenue. Do make sure of this though NO VIDEO ADS. Many sites put these in and it slows down the site and people will complain about the game being slower. If you do find the need to put in video ads I suggest putting a message somewhere informing people on how to get them to stop running.

    If in the case Kano implements the video ads and they forget a message here's how to disable them. Right click the ad, and un-check the "play" button.
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Slightly off topic but if you are not already aware please know that there are changes upcoming to our offsite games which may affect how you play on fb.kanogames.com


    As for the Ads, when we launched the offsite Facebook Connect version we made the conscious decision not to burden our players with ads. I appreciate the idea as it is very much valid but again we intentionally built it as such to provide a clean experience for our players. We're just silly like that :p

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