Action surrounding recent issues on the forums

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Jan 4, 2013.

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  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As you know, there have been several issues going on in the forums over the past few weeks. One of these issues devolved into an argument between Jon Ward, one of our Moderators, and The Protector, a long-time, if controversial, forum member.

    There has been quite a bit of community outrage and discussion about this situation, as several players feel that Jon should be removed as a moderator. While I have already given my thoughts about why I don't think removing him as a moderator accomplishes anything or is appropriate to the situation, I can also understand players not thinking one part of the situation being banned when the other isn't is fair.

    As such, Jon Ward will receive a two-week ban from the forums, and TP's ban will be down-graded to two weeks as well. Because Polish was banned because of this whole situation, his ban will also be down graded to two weeks.

    As well, because of the community response to the situation, Jon will be giving up his right to post as a community member when he returns, and will no longer be participating in forum discussion outside of providing information as a Moderator.

    While I stand by what I've said in the discussion so far, I feel that this solution will work best for the community, and help us all move closer to being awesome again.
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I have to wholeheartedly thank you! I'll relay the news to TP.

    I think it's the fairest possible solution and I thank you for listening to the Vox Populi.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    This was my issue i owned up to. I do apologize for protector for letting my emotions get the better of me and posting as a player. But because it was my actions that caused this issue i asked kano to put all three of us on bans for two weeks instead of having polish and protector banned longer or for good. When i do come back i will only be moderating only so there is no more confusion on anyone's part anymore. No longer will i be posting as a player. Thank you and again sorry for my actions that heated up the forums into this issue.
  4. Thank you, WB, for the compromise. I must point out, however, that Polish's ban was for one week only. Please do not increase his ban in that case. It would hardly be fair to increase his ban while down grading the others.

  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @JJ Sorry for the confusion, but Polish's ban length wasn't set to anything specific, Smack just clicked on the first available option last night because it was late and he was just trying to contain the situation. In the interest of fairness for everyone involved, the bans will all be the same length.
  6. Well, WB, it was set to a specific length, it told Polish how long it would be and that is what he is expecting. If you want to REALLY be fair, then Jon should NEVER be moderator again, just a player. I'm floored about you decision, was trying to compromise with you......but now, not so much.

    It is outrageous that he should retain moderator status. If he is so unappreciated, why would he want to do it any longer anyway? I'm just shaking my head at how ridiculous it is for you to be backing him like this in spite of all the backlash and players who have called for his dismissal.

    Get rid of him. NOT because I say so but because MANY of us have said so.
  7. big john klad

    big john klad Member

    well i say keep him an it's nice to see you backing him up ,
  8. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    i'm sorry i missed the original thread , it must have been something . lol .
  9. Eraser

    Eraser Member


    All of this, just because Jon wouldnt speak up, and either apologize, or admit his wrongs.

    Would rather give up his rights to speak freely.

    Polish banned behind sticking up for TP of all people.

    TP, the biggest troll, finnally hit with the banhammer, (on his second account) and is being let go.

    Just, wow.
  10. IpeeFreely

    IpeeFreely Member

    pfftt ... must not be much of a situation!... I have been a long time loyal Kano apps player & USED to been involved in the forum regularly...

    yet my long-time forum account "WHELER" was permanently banned, & my ip address blocked over a dispute with a mod, but.. then again no body cares, coz well i'll refrain from any further comments,lol
  11. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    WB - I'm glad to see that a KANO administrator has taken action against people abusing others on here. I just hope that KANO will keep this up and cut down on the abuse of all users by a few who feel the need to bully others on here.
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