[ZS] Abuse of Hitlist

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by dave of the dead, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. dave of the dead

    dave of the dead New Member

    I really thought this glitch would be fixed by now; however, it has gotten abused more lately. So, we all accept and take for granted that we won't kill a full health bar with 1 attack, but when all-energy accounts hitlist each other so that lower levels attack hitlist and give them a fight list then it becomes a flaw of the game. I am one of the strongest players in the game: my level, amount of attack, amount of health, fight wins, hitlist wins, and hitlist kills will all support this statement. The fact that I need a team effort to get a hitlist kill will therefore display the farce of the current hitlist design: literally if I cannot kill faster than an enemy can heal, realistically, no one possibly can and certainly not without a group effort from every strong player in the game. I think it's fair to say more than 1 noob has been permanently frustrated with trying to get a hitlist kill and instead being killed by an all-energy player 6000 levels higher than they are. So this is a problem and makes the game pointless for lower levels to even attempt. An array of solutions should be implemented in the near future: 1. no retatiation for hitlist attacks from players (1000 seems like a nice round number) levels below the player being listed 2. should not be able to hitlist faction members because it's almost certainly being done in a blatant attempt to abuse the hislist 3. Penultimate fix -- HITLIST TIMER: this will essentially mimick what is already done in arena..increase damage done to player on hitilist after they have been up for a set amount of time (maybe a 1 minute tier and a 5 minute tier) This would keep players with hours to kill from seeking to get easy wins on the lowest levels. Again, I have done this myself because it is possible to do ( of course, I have some life outside kano, so i only ride for an hour or less) and again, I am one of the strongest and most seasoned players in the game...and I am saying this on behalf of all lower levels so they have a chance so the game is fun again and not dominated by a handful of collaborating high level players or 1 sad faction.
  2. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    Kano did do something when they nullified the skull heal... if you have the health and defense to ride the list now, by all means ride it...
  3. dave of the dead

    dave of the dead New Member

    You seem to miss the point entirely. Re-read the post. It's about all players and in my opinion it should be addressed. There are so many opinionated selfish players in the game and on the kano forum. I think my post proves I am not one.
  4. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    oh i read your post... when i was coming up thru the ranks i died many,many times going after high level bounty's... getting listed or pk'ed etc... but i knew it was the risk you took hunting... Kano has given us UN listings which imo is what the lowers should be going after instead of the pie in the sky bountys they have no chance of getting doing 1-100 damage...
    i do agree if your lvl 500 or whatever kano deems fair u shouldnt be allowed to attack the higher lvl players... if my memory is correct you use to have to be lvl 100 to hunt period.
    and u talk about selfish players in the game well you have your 15k ach so why do you still hunt???
  5. dave of the dead

    dave of the dead New Member

    None of this is about me, it is about the game. I have a well-defined point here, I'm really not sure what your view is? You think it is fine as is, but a small adjustment for low levels would be ok? Is that what you are saying? I don't like punishing noobs and i really don't like players who live to punish noobs. I think i'm clear on my points.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    You rated this thread a 1/10
    Seems like another thread made from the idea of "Waaah waaaah SOMEONE IS BETTER THAN ME? KANO CHANGE THE GAME RIGHT NOW" The hitlist has been the way it is for years. Just because someone is stronger enough to utilize a strategy doesn't mean you should take it away from them.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey folks, just a reminder that it's OK to disagree, but let's not take this into personal territory, alright? :)
  8. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I didn't take it personally, but it seems as if there's been a plethora of threads demanding change from an aspect of the game that's been the same for years simply because they can't dominate it. Changing something that has been the same for years would drastically ruin ones strategy and nullifying ones progress wouldn't you agree?
  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that your response had indicated that you had taken personal offense to this idea; rather that disagreeing with an idea (or disagreeing with the disagreement of an idea) is fine, as long as it doesn't devolve into personal attacks somewhere along the line.

    As for my personal opinion on this idea, I generally tend to avoid giving a definitive view on sweeping changes to long-established mechanics in the game (I'm more than happy to give one on small usability changes and the like) due to the sensitive nature of the topic. What I will say, however, is that I agree that abruptly changing something that has been more or less static for years would cause some upheaval unless it was a gradual process and would benefit the player base a whole.
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Not sure what the point of this post is,but if a weaker player opens themselves up to a stronger player regardless of the level,regardless of how they did it , they just have to deal with the consequences, these are fighting games if someone does not want to get beat on ,maybe this is not the game, bear in mind these are games and we can heal or hide, I can bet no one calls up board game companies and complain when they play against someone who plays better... 1star

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    Why don't you let all lower levels grow up some balls and level up to get stronger instead of crying and whining everyday demanding Kano to change things just because they can't do it? There has been enough of damage to the game when Kano changed it to a new fighting system which ultimately favoring those cowardice ambush-er.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014

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