a litle advise

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Tichuna Gamier, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. Tichuna Gamier

    Tichuna Gamier New Member

    i got 100 uncredits and i already buy 5 pointman and 1 brawler using the others players advise. I see on the shop some good items to increase my atk power more so should i buy them or not?
  2. domino

    domino Member

    never buy items from shop!

    un = stamina/energy refill!
  3. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    lol...just lol

    buy the items ^_^ they do make a difference in fights, boss fights and arena/faction war perks... get as many as you can :p but just keep in mind you'll need 25un to buy a brawler every 150 levels
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
  4. Tichuna Gamier

    Tichuna Gamier New Member

    Thx i will do it ^^ and thx again for your replay on my first thread i used your last advice XD and i will use this one too.

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    Buy 20 high attack(as for now it should be around 310++ attack) of each type and 20 high defense of each type. You will feel the differences.
  6. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    It does help in fights to have a LOT of good items. not so much to have just 1.

    Very helpful on your bosses to have a good loadout set up tho. especially in the lower levels where your loadout is actually stronger than you are vs a boss.

    Id say keep saving your UN. Rack them up, the items have a shelf life, they will eventually become outdated so you might want to wait until you reach the fighting ranks of the game to invest heavily in an awesome inventory. ESP if you dont plan on buying credits.

    and yes. you may evenutally find you would rather spend your saved credits in battle arena to level super fast.
  7. Blasphamy

    Blasphamy Member

    Agreed with Eraser.

    You will start to get items through 3 day calendars, monthly calendars, boss drops...etc... to begin your inventory. It is good practice to save your UN (again, solid suggestion from Eraser) until you hit level 660 and can join the Battle Arena. At that point, and for the rest of your game, your inventory will matter a whole lot.

    Contrary to Domino's opinion, NEVER spend UN on a refill. For the people playing the game for a while, we generally try to keep UN per level to under 10.... NOT 10 to just finish a level. That can come with a few more minutes passed, more challenge help, boss joins.... but almost NEVER spend the 10 UN on any refill (outside of BA).

    As you progress through the game, you'll start to pay attention to which items you need in what category. Eraser mentioned that items rapidly become outdated, or a larger one is offered. It's for this reason that it very logical (and i recommend) to only spend the 30-36 UN on any item that has a base attk/def of over 300, depending on what your character build is or how it will ultimately benefit you the most.

    This is just a button pushing game, but what you have in all aspects of your slayer will determine what happens each time you do push that button.
  8. Tichuna Gamier

    Tichuna Gamier New Member

    mmm so the items will be a crap on the future.i will save more un credits until i saw a nice item to help me when i get stuck on a boss XD thx for the advise will realy help me.

    i have a new question my 5 pointman and 1 borwler most be on my top squad?
  9. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    put your 5 pointmen in your top squad.

    exclude the brawler. so it will be used in your hired squad strength.

    Its really stupid the way they have it set up. I think all the squad strength should be together myself, hell i might even be able to help some of the dozens of people that asked me to put them in my top squad.
  10. Tichuna Gamier

    Tichuna Gamier New Member

    Thx for the inf. ^^
  11. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    Its really stupid the way they have it set up. I think all the squad strength should be together myself, hell i might even be able to help some of the dozens of people that asked me to put them in my top squad.

    you help my top sq buddy i always wait til the last moment to upgrade anything and i only upgrade one thing at a time to the point where im limited again so the next upgrade will be much more worth it...Striker
    Current: 8,478 Attack 4,239 Defense
    Upgraded: 13,539 Attack 6,770 Defense and i pro have one that if upgraded would go up more but thats just an ideal of what could be done to really use ur uns wisly blas and tim hit everything else on the head
  12. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Funny. Isn't that what we asked for originally?
  13. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    So, how's your game looking now?
  14. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Yah for lower levels indeed higher levels perhaps not that great idea. ;)

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