A few battle arena tidbits

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Heres a few old quotes from Kano on the arena that I found interesting. Ive barely scratched the surface...there will be plenty more to come

    Eric, administrator 6/14/12 thread...Battle arena discussion

    This one is kind of funny considering how well inactives do these days, especially when one considers an inactive has won....lolo

    -You need kills if you want to last and rank higher in the arena, leaving things to chance and hiding out will not guarantee you a good rank.
    - Look for players who give out a lot of health when defeated (health reward shows below health bar)

    Any doubt kano intended for teams in the arena?
    -Contact friends and coordinate attacks, share target names and find them using the find interface located at the top of the fight list.

    Boy has this become useless considering how much shorter arenas are these days. Still goes to show Kano wanted players to be activ not inactive. This update has since been changed to 6 hrs ...but should be changed again to about 2 hrs
    The original specification called for at least 200 attacks every 10 hours for the duration of the entire arena. The plan is to slowly introduce this and monitor the stats and outcome, this is why we've halved it and will only be doing the first check at 10 hours. We're essentially going from nothing to something, so we'd like to see some data and get some feedback after this next arena.

    I particularly like this one. Kano wants to "incentive" activity and not allow inactives to coast through the ranks. What happened? where does the out of proportion defensive times fall into this?
    6/11/12.....Thanks for the comments alka. If we put an auto 8 hour defense mode active players would be at a disadvantage, losing more health, showing up on more targets attack radar, more attractive for a kill attack, you could potentially have half of the non playing base higher ranked then active players. Health is being adjusted as to not allow coasting through the ranks with inactivity, you're incentivized to attack for a kill to gain health. Once this feature is stable we'll be able to rotate through different start times for future arenas.

    Lol...we need kills if we want to rank higher...since when? Once again kano promoting teamwork and stating the intended purpose for defensive stance
    6/14/12.....Strategy - yes there is some strategy required you cannot dive into the arena and attack everyone you see on the screen and hope for good xp and high rank.
    -Attacks, attack your target once to get an idea of their health, is it on par with yours, what are their profile stats like, are they prime for a kill, should you save them to your target list for later.
    -Fight List, refresh that list once in a while to get a new set of targets
    -Stats, before the arena starts make sure your skills are allocated and armed/item strengths are the best they can be, this info is shown in your arena profile
    -Kills, you need these if you want to last and rank higher in the arena, leaving things to chance and ducking out will not guarantee you a good rank
    -Friends, are you working with someone and using the find utility to target an enemy
    -Multiple attacks, are you just wasting your stamina on a target only to get the kill stolen where maybe you should wait
    -Defensive Stance, are you using the defensive stance to reduce damage received in times of heavy attacks
    -Levelling, are you using the arena xp alongside other features in the game to maximize your level ups which will result in stamina refills

    What ever happened to this option? It was removed but nothing was ever said about it
    Suicide option (was surrender) is now live for players in the remaining 3. As mentioned in my last post, we're also working on upping the damage and xp in the final rounds of the arena.

    more teamwork?
    6/5/12........-going in guns blazing is going to get you on alot of peoples radar and eventually killed, try to strategize who you're going to continue to attack, when to attack (to maximize possiblity of a kill), who you should save to your target list and when you should go into defensive mode.
    -collaborate with friends using the in game group chat or other means to strategize attacks

    once again a move to increase activity and to decrease inactivity
    6/5/12.....-decreased base health at arena start (what's happening here is too many people are able to hide out with 500mil+ health making them unattractive to fight, if the start health was lower you'd be more attractive for a kill aswell you'll be incentivised to go out and get kills to up your health.

    Kendall/ administrator 6/13/12

    strategize with friends...oh my.....lol

    There will be strategy involved, so make sure you educate yourself on it as much as you can beforehand. Strategize with your friends / mob!

    lol...no limits, thats a good one!
    6/14/12........Quote Originally Posted by Nasty Larry Yates View Post
    Please do not put limits on the number of times you may attack in a specific amount of time! This is battle arena..no time outs!

    Kendall...As far as I know there will be no limits in the battle arena, like you said it is called a battle arena for a reason, last slayer standing!

    stated intent of the arena. I guess he forgot about the part where they wanted player to ride out the arena in D-mode
    6/2/12...Yes, this feature was designed to help bring out full fight lists for all players.

    Wonderbread/ community manager from the thread "search feature in the arena 9/08/12

    the search feature is a a positive feature? Oh my!

    I wanted to make a quick announcement about the search feature in the arena as it was a hotly debated topic during our Battle Arena improvement discussions. While there are definitely a number of pros and cons for each side, we felt that the feature was a positive addition the Battle Arena, and have decided to keep it as part of the feature.

    Dark stratus/admin 6/14/12

    we want to promote activity? sweeeet! Defensive builds already had a huge advantage? Tell me again why we didnt adjust defensive stance times when the slider was added.
    #5) Reason why not attacking will result in lots of losses and why defence is still good
    We want to promote activity and battling, therefore if you simply sit there and get attacked you will lose more battles then if you attack others because of the minimum damage the attacker does. With a high defense you will lose a VERY small number of battles when attacking people. Having a high defense makes your defensive stance ability much more powerful then other player’s so there again having high defence is made useful.

    OK...this one is going to have me laughing for awhile
    4/3/12.............Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ward View Post
    Okay so if you have lets say this three different accounts.

    1. 10k in attack 20k in health 2k in defense
    2. 10k in defense 20 k in health 2k in attack.
    3. 10k in attack 10k in defense and 20k in health

    the third player will be better off in the arena is what your saying because they are more proportional with the way there stats are allocated.
    In the above example player 3 would be better off. He has the same health as player 1 and player 2 but has more attack then player 2 and more defence then player 1.

    dark stratus..........The goal of perks is to make each build have a unique play style. While ensuring one build isn't better then the other builds.

    My definition of a build is the way your place your skill points in attack, defence and health.

    More talk of an alliance? Playing differently depending on ones build? How many players need to wrap their brain around that one....lol

    4/3/12........The high levels will get a full battle list and with that the potential at a lot of XP. You might not be assured victory but you will be able to take a lot people down with you. Having an alliance wouldn't hurt either. Remember as you kill everyone you will be gaining health.

    I agree changing your build is not an option that is why we want to ensure all builds have advantages and disadvantages. So unless you are sticking every point in energy and stamina you will be well off no matter what you put it in you will just have to play differently.

    The ba is about fighting? someone want to tell that to the guys n gals sitting in D. stance the entire time?
    4/3/12....5) People who build all energy builds will not be successful in the battle arena. The battle arena is about fighting and energy does not help with that. All the other skills will help you do well in the battle arena.

    This was a great ideain that it went a long ways toward balance. It was stated this was going to happen...it never did

    4/13/12......The goal is not to handicap high level players with perks the goal is to ensure each build is balanced. We will add a stamina perk, so the greater the % of points put in stamina the more bonus xp you will get.

    For example if 50% of your skill points are in stamina you will get at 25% bonus to the xp you get from an attack while in the battle arena. If you had 10% of your skill points in stamina you may only get 5% bonus to the xp payout while you are in the battle arena.

    Obviously the numbers above are sample numbers.

    So attack builds are better(like we didnt know that), so the attack builds were handicapped to bring the defensive builds up to snuff (how nice for them). As if that freebie wasnt enough....lets let them sit in Dstance the entire arena too?

    4/14/12....I ran some sample battles between people with the same number of skill points but placed in different abilities and a build that puts most of their skill points in attack is better then all the other builds (with some minor exceptions). After running these tests i came up with the perk system to remedy that problem.

    Moral of the story boys n girls is that the arena was intended for active players. Teamwork was intended as a strategy . Defensive builds needed help in the form of handicaps and defensive stance was intended to be an end all strategy from beginning to end. Stay tuned.
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Yeah Teamwork was an after thought, something people started using right away, Kano even if they wanted to cannot stop it. I still feel someone should win in their own, but that is just my feeling about it. In an arena , a true arena only one will live by his or her own wits.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Actually...some of those teamwork comments were made before the arena even started and was still in the Idea stage. it was also the whole point of the search option.

    Players win on their own now. Even if teamwork was taken out of the equation...players would still win on their own it would just mean that no lesser level would even stand a chance like they do now, even though that chance is slim.

    If there was going to be any talk of a "true" arena than that would mean an elimination of all handicaps....ensuring no one but the highest of levels would win and lesser levels wouldnt be ranking near as well as they do now. Depending on their own wits should be accompanied by fighting with their true strengths and weaknesses as well dont ya think
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    thats not completely true polish. lets say the search was taken out and there were no names to go by, no heads up to give to anyone about a certain player or players with a huge amount of health or a huge kill reward. yeah, for the most part the higher levels would prevail but i could guarantee it wouldnt be the same person week after week after week and there could be the possibility that certain ones could get most of their kills stolen leaving them weakened and then attacked by multiple people over time and eventually killed off. the odds of a lower level winning would be slim but it would give all of them a hell of a better shot than they now have and with that slim chance of winning or even placing way higher than they usually do there would be a lot more activity that you keep hoping for. i like the arena no matter how they have it, handicap me, dmode for 20 hours, fill in the blank....its fast paced fun for the most part and plenty of levels for all that wish to participate. the low level that gets killed early one week could get 10 kills and 30 levels the next. and apparently im not the only one since youve played in almost every one of them. if there are major or minor changes they feel need to be made then they will make them whenever they get to it. im sure kano has a lot on their plate as is so have some patience and wait it out and keep playing every 10 days like always and have fun killing like you always do. youre seriously complaining about having to wait an extra couple hours when the arena used to be 8-12 hours long lol cmon man, its less than half that now, whats the big deal?
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    LOL, nice book DEMONIK (NO DISRESPECT) to PIMP that publishes Novel's on here.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    No doubt kano has a lot on their plate and in the end they are only going to do what they want to do. But they also created the forums for a reason...for suggestion, discussion and feedback...thats exactly what Im doing.

    Complaining about the length of the arena? Not hardly...this has nothing to do with the length of the arena unless of course u want to get into the the whole defensive stanc being out of proportion again. Granted...when the arena was much longer I did hope for shorter as did you and most others. But speaking for myself...I figured kano would take all the other necessary steps to make it similar to what it was and not end up giving defensive builds a much bigger advantage than they once had.

    In regards to the search...teamwork was intended by Kano, its gives lesser levels the best shot at winning as has been proven in many arenas. I disagree that taking away the search bar would help lesser levels chances. The attack slider all but guarantees that. One of the highest levels will win everytime and teamwork will still be in play. How? not gonna tell ya that.

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