[ZS] 22 hour boss regeneration

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Eraser, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Outbreak helps

    energy/stam boost

    Theese run on a 22 hour timer. It would be so helpful if the bosses where the same.

    for example right now i have 4 bosses under level 10. and i try my best to kill them like clockwork. but alas sometimes it takes me more than just a minute or two to get the job done. I have 2 that I kill in my morning log in, and 2 that I kill on my evening log in.

    on a 24 hour timer my morning bosses have slipped just behind the time that i can no longer kill them in the morning.

    I am all but posotive this idea isnt going to go over that well with the community, but i figured id at least give it a shot. Kano seems to go for quick easy to implement Ideas much faster than the complicated ones.
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    actualy i agree cus i think it would make it easyer to do haveing everything running on a 22 hour clock insted of only boss on a 24 hour clock and i had my bosses set at 2 and now the are at 10 oclock so i see what you mean they dont move times fast but every couple minites adds up in the end of a 4 month time
  3. alka

    alka Banned

    Have to agree 100% on this one.
    Unless your there as it needs doing it's a pain because they tend to drag late into the night..
    10 form me..
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    how is it gonna make a difference, ?? not understanding
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    If the boss regenerates at 22 hours instead of 24, you have a lot better chance of being able to log in, and kill it at the same time everyday.

    For example... I start my boss... but it takes me a good 15 or 20 minutes to get it dead... the next day I dont get it right on the head, im 10 minutes after it opens back up... then it takes me another 20 minutes to kill it again... Now im set back a whole hour.

    the next day I cant get that boss on my morning session, basically because I have things to do at that time.

    On a 22 hour schedule. as long as you kill the boss within the first 2 hours, You can come back the next day, and start it on your normally scheduled log in....
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ahhh I don't kill my bosses that fast, not even in ZS, in my other games I share my bosses within the boss sharing groups , so this way I have access to hundres of bosses every day, besides what is in the feed :) so that 22/24 hour thing would not even come into play the way most play in PC, VC or LCN, guess it would only be good for ZS, thanks for explaining your position :)
  7. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    yes zombie slayer is limited to 25 single boss and 25 co-op boss joins... with XP bonus anyway.

    Any game its a good idea to kill your under level 10 bosses as fast as possible. Just so you can get the skill points faster.

    Id suggest to you, kill your under 10s asap... and then share the lvl 11+ in your groups :)

    then again, I understand you are limited on stamina to 50 per level up in other games. Not the case on ZS.
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    OK will try that out, thanks, yes that is true about the stam, in the other games but I have good stam there , and decent here for my level , worked on it and then saw it waas 100 refilled so worked out good for me lol

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