1000 Hired Mobsters Adjustment

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Woman, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    There was a change released today regarding Hired Mobsters. If your purchase is going to push you above the max allowed Hired Mobsters it will discount it appropriately. ie: you have 999 Hired Mobsters and the maximum is 1000, your final purchase will only be for 1 more Hired Mobster (instead of 2) at half the cost.

    Any of those that currently have 1000 Hired Mobsters and paid the full 10 points, will be refunded 5FP's within the next day.
  2. Why do we have an odd number of hired guns if they are sold in sets of two?
  3. Busta

    Busta Member

    Everyone starts with one for free.

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