Separate names with a comma.
we can't choose what we arm our top squad with, right? isn't is jus automatically the items with the highest attack for weapons, vehicles, and...
okay, but here's whats screwed up. my hired squad members, the boost doesnt show up when im fighting players or bosses. the only boost i have is...
the thing that i dont like about death deal is the odds. i can guarantee that 80 percent of the time, the cards are higher. ill get a queen, click...
alright i searched the forum and cant find an answer to my question, so here goes. how do i raise my hired squad boost? it was at two after i had...
hi there, me again :) im just curious, when i read my fight details, my gear is always weaker. this is my excess gear my top squad uses. i...
what happens when you buy hired captains? i've bought the deal with two twice, but i cant find them nywhere
one more question. how do you get the achievements from ur squad for squad earnings. do you have to collect it all at one to count, or over time?
if I have somone on facebook blocked, can they still get me on zombie slayer?
that's strange, cause everything on mine refills fully
Thanks very much :)
i've noticed that zombie slayer doesn't accept facebook credits in their game, and I really think you should change that Kano. cause zombie slayer...
for me, all i see is an add to top squad button. no upgrade one.
i can't figure out how to upgrade the hired top squad members. it says they're upgradeable, so how do i do it??
on my stats page, it says "Annihilation Streak: 9" .. what does that mean? it's not survival streak or fight's won either. i would really...