Separate names with a comma.
congrats on 88 kills so far hopefully i wont be one of your kills lol
totally agree ive been chaining in BA for few hrs now and have not had any issues i believe the feature is set up very good and not causing any...
just a update IpeeFreely i was worried too but im in the LCN BA at the moment and i chained 2 mobs down from 500 mill to kill and i clicked my...
has that just happened Jayme ? as i was worried about that feature too as i click my mouse like a psycho too as was worried how it would affect me...
from what i have heard the feature running out of steam is to stop people who look like they may be useing some sought of speed click there are...
thanks for your reply Ron kano are not in at weekends and i do believe Mon was a public holiday in canada also all mail sent in during this time...
im nearly 50,000 health :cool: and new highest for me You just punched in the face xXx lalalalalala xXx and dealt 2148 damage.
my apologies lol but im shure if you fill in the email address and what the question is they will know its not me lol otherwise it will look like...
yeah i love some of the favour points lol lots of them too and skills and big weapons and alchol and sweets and everything i ever wanted lol
if you have a complaint about how a Moderator is acting then send into support ok the developers will look into it
i also have to agree with you Ron things happen fast in the game and we cant take screenshots at all times its not our first thought but please...
i totally agree with you we all have different opinons and there will be times not everyone will like them but we all entitled to them as long as...
Hi mate ive heard of this happening before when i was listed two diff mobs got me lol well all i can say good luck to them lol and was a rare...
have you tried opening a boss thread where you share your bosses with others this is the best way to share them you can post them in syns and make...
You just punched in the face xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx face and dealt 2142 damage.
True but its no different from shopping in RL and they have sales look on the bright side at least we can all buy more and many to choose from...
another thread gave me this idea how about we have a super boss which is different from the ones we have now ie new york chicago etc super boss...
i actually like the idea that you can get thrown on HL if you attack the boss
might put some off if the boss did damage back and you used 20 stam attack and wasted it
i will let a devolper know about this