LOL Jared
You ,Mr. Angel, really need to stay on the topic of your proposal and stop bringing cheating into it, you want the rewards to change and you want certain levels to only fight certain levels, and I disagree, it is like the BA everyone regardless of level goes in , anyone can join an armada for the war and then go back to their everyday armada, if they want to get a better reward. That works without changing what Kano as set up, sure they might change the reward and make it more rewarding, I really don't care one way or the other , but to change it cause of low levels, there are always gonna be low levels mid levels and high levels, it is the nature of things, I say deal with it , play it and stop trying to change things to suit your way. just my opinion and you are entitled to yours and we can go round and round but I am going to the gym now
and no low levels should not get the same reward as someone who has played longer.
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014