A Complete History on the Evolution of the Battle Arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jared, Dec 18, 2013.


Get rid of the slider!

  1. Absolutely!

  2. Of course not!

  1. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I will qualify this post saying that it is based on my own experience (and memory) with the games on KP2, and that other players' experiences and other platforms (such as Facebook) may be different.

    Once upon a time, Kano came up with the brilliant idea of the Battle Arena! There was decent feedback about this after it was rolled out, and changes were made as a result over time.

    When they started, I signed up for all of them. The majority of them lasted at least 6 hours, so I was normally able to participate regardless of the start time. Kano gave us the option to change our picture to make it harder to tell whose accounts were whose inside the arena. Next came the search bar, which generated the most feedback up until that time. Then came the revisions to the reward structure for inactives, where they could no longer receive rewards higher than rank 50, even if they happened to place higher.

    My favorite update of all was the attack slider. This has done many wonderful things for the player base! It has shortened the 3 day arenas to 3 hours' time, and has wiped out all of the other changes that were made in an effort to make the arenas more competitive. All inactives are knocked out in such a short period of time, it doesn't matter what picture they use. There is no need for the search bar because one player can take out almost any other player by themselves due to the slider. Even if they wanted to "team up" on someone, there's not enough time to do so. The number of inactives has actually increased, because the arena timeframe has been shortened so much that players such as myself that are not able to be there at the arena start are dead before they even get the chance.

    Before the implementation of the slider, I could get a few levels if I was able to participate, even though I normally didn't rank inside the top 100. If I wasn't able to participate, I sacrificed the XP, and was able to get a top 100 on occasion as a consolation.

    After the implementation of the slider, I could only participate once every 2 months, but at least I had a shot of getting some type of reward, while the active players received the bonus of better XP from beating up on all of the inactives PLUS a ranking.

    Now it is not possible for inactives to get any type of rewards AT ALL. The slider has ruined the arenas. It is now nothing more than a super leveling partner for active players at the expense of anyone that chooses to sign up, not participate, and now get nothing besides a couple of thousand XP. Heck, I can get that from a challenge help without letting someone else getting thousands of XP from me in the arena.

    The way it stands now, if I can't participate, I won't sign up for them anymore. It's just not worth it if you can't be active. I don't need the 3000 XP or whatever I get as a "reward".
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    not enough options for me to vote...i think the slider should only be available against a target thats in the red.....OR scale it back to 2 stams but not be done away with completely
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I agree with Demonik....not enough options. While I agree that the slider should be eliminated in some situations (participation numbers) on particular platforms....I also think that scaling back the number of attacks from 3 to 2 would be a viable option (once again dependent on participation) as well.

    As far as the OPs reasoning's for this change I agree with some but adamantly disagree with some as well. I agree that lengthening the duration of the arena would allow for more strategy and opportunity for some if they actually chose to make use of it. Unfortunately i think its a rather small number that actually would or are even capable of that. I disagree that the numbers will continue to decrease as long as Kano keeps dishing out free XP for signing up. if players that normally dont do well or dont even bother trying refuse to sign up to make some sort of point...more power to them. Personally I would find that logic a bit silly coming from players that never got anything but the free XP in the first place.....but to each their own. The notion that active players get free XP is absurd regardless of who ever they are thumping on is active or not....every attack cost stamina and stamina cost FP. Active players are what drives these games, no ifs ands or buts about it. Inactive players dont deserve anything and should be grateful they get something. The fact that someone cant be there when the arena starts or not at all should make no diff what so ever in how the arena plays out or what rewards are awarded and to who. You dont punish the ones that make these games go round by rewarding those who dont show up regardless of their reasons.

    "not possible for inactives to get rewards at all"? YES....Thank goodness! Lets get real....100 attacks is nothing....if u couldnt even get that then thats just to bad...better luck next time.

    I realize its splitting hairs but you missed a few updates/changes to the arena which belies the title to this thread.
  4. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Interesting point about modifying the slider (again)... this was one of the updates that I forgot to mention.

    From what I recall, the 5 stamina slider was first implemented on Zombies, resulting in an arena that lasted less than an hour. There was quite a bit of negative feedback when this occurred. A compromise was implemented to change it to 3 stamina.

    This brings to mind the first rule regarding inactive rankings. A compromise was implemented where inactives could not receive rewards higher than rank 50, which was just changed to inactives cannot receive any rank rewards at all. So we're suggesting a compromise to the compromise for the slider? If that's the case, why don't we suggest a compromise to the compromise for the inactives? Say, not receiving awards above rank 75?

    As I stated, before the slider, I still couldn't make the start time very often, but I could still participate in most of the arenas because they were longer. So we're saying that if you can't make the start time and get knocked out in the first 5 minutes because of the slider, you "deserve" it and shouldn't even get the sign up XP, which is equivalent to a challenge help? What about those players (such as myself) that WOULD be active at some point as they used to be before the slider? Seems to me that players that would be active that become inactive due to the slider are the ones being punished.

    I do agree that 100 attacks is not much of a challenge. You either do none or hundreds now. I would propose raising the minimum attack limit to 1000, otherwise you get ranked below all players that met the minimum attack limit.

    If there are any other pertinent changes that were made since the arenas came to be, feel free to mention them here, although I have a feeling that any benefits of unmentioned changes have also been negated by the slider.
  5. slave

    slave Member

    and jared you need to be corrected again
    inactives can and do receive rewards. i was unable to play this last arena as it started at 1am my time
    Your Rank is 141!
    During the Battle Arena you gained 0 XP!
    Attacks 0
    Kills 0
    Wins 153
    Losses 233
    2 UN Credits
    65% XP to level
    15x Hourly income

    so still possible to get rewards, i dont remember exactly what i got, but i fell into the 2 un category for where i was
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    What platform are you on, slave? It is still possible for ACFs to receive rewards, depending on the number of active players in each arena. If there are at least 100 active players, no ACF will receive any reward.

    Before the most recent change, ACFs were ranked according to when they were taken out, but they did not receive rewards above rank 50, regardless of what their ranks actually were. In one arena, an ACF actually won.

    Now, because of the number of ACFs that were "stealing" higher ranks and rewards from active players, all ACFs are ranked below all active players, regardless of when they are actually taken out. That is the difference, and this was nowhere near the problem it has become since the slider was implemented, critically limiting the strategies that can now be used.
  7. The slider is actually a chance for mid levels to gang up on the higher levels. I didn't have an account at the time, but I did watch my boyfriend play the arena where the slider was a 10. Even at 3, the slider is a godsend to the mid levels. If they used their heads, they could gang up on higher levels and have a decent shot at knocking them out. Tricky, but plausible. Without the slider, the chances for the mid levels shrink.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    As a player who has played and enjoyed some form of success in all the diff game arenas at levels ranging from low to high both pre and post slider arena I disagree. I dont dispute that mid level players can team up and bring down higher level players...its been done both before n after the implementation of the slider. In fact that particular scenario happened more often prior to the slider. Theoretically If all things were equal there would be no diff whether all parties involved were using a single attack vs all parties using 3 attacks per. But all things are not equal......higher level players tend to have much more health and can sustain much more damage than there lower health counterparts. When dishing out damage with 3 attacks per higher levels can take out the lowers much quicker. Its also important to note that not all players idea of success in the arena is to win rather they gauge their success on the number of levels obtained. with out a doubt the slider has drastically shortened the arena and the number of participants is depleted much quicker which not only allows those players less time to get levels but it also makes them more likely to be found sooner. Then theres also the whole dtime in defensive stance issue vs the now shorter arenas....but thats an subject for another thread.

    On a side note...Its so nice to have finally have heard of you...ive played and talked with your boyfriend extensively for years and he never mentioned you. Its so nice that you 2 have been able to put your religious views...or in your boyfriends case, lack of religious. views aside. Most relationships dont tend to last so long when their stance on religion is light years apart. I assume your religious anyways...after all u did say the slider was a "godsend", and its well known your boyfriend is a devout atheisticsatanist. Congrats on making that work!
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  9. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Wow. I don't think there's anything that I disagree with in this post, other than about defensive stance (I guess mine isn't high enough yet to "ride out" almost the whole arena). This is what I have been trying to say. :D I do believe that the defensive stance issue is a direct result of the slider, because the arenas are much shorter now than they used to be. As I mentioned previously, the slider has caused a number of unintended (I believe) consequences.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I think we pretty much have always been in some form of agreement on the the the slider and other elements of the arena, our big diff in opinions is when it comes to active/inactive issues. While I can understand and even appreciate the the issue some players have that they cant/didnt make it in time....I just dont prioritize it as a more important issue as ensuring that the ones that can/did make it are rewarded properly. Theres no doubt that it sucks that not everyone that want to participate is gonna make it , but lets be realistic....thats never gonna happen. No start time is optimal for everyone and life happens. Personally I think it would be awesome if everyone who signed up could make it and be active....but I also dont try and fool myself into thinking that even that wouldnt present a whole other set of issues for some.

    The slider has had both positive n negative impacts on the arena, there is legitimate arguments for both attack/ defensive built accounts ....no one thing is going to make it optimal for everyone. Even before there was the slider the arena had issues.....it was simply to long. The same argument that is used now of "I have a life and have other responsibilities to deal with"....was used back then as well but for diff reasons. Rather than "the arena is to short and I was dead before i could make it because i have a life" it was "the arena is too long and by the time i got back i was dead because i have a life". The only real difference being that players that were actually very active and spent resources had to get up and go at some point to deal with life and by the time they got back they were dead vs now that players that cant make it on time and spent zero resources finally show up and are dead. I dont know about you or anyone else but if I were Kano Im gonna make that tough decision in favor of the active resource using player every time. Thats what they did but in my opinion they went to far and threw it out of balance in the opposite direction. They tweaked the number of attacks but stopped short ....they never bothered with 2 attacks per. Without a doubt that would lengthen the duration a lil bit allowing at least a little more time for players to show up or smaller accounts a bit more time to strategize, get more levels and possibly rank higher. At the same time it would not increase the duration by so much that it would be unrealistic in most cases to see an entire arena through before other obligations required our attention/presence.

    I dont know whether Kano even considered the impact the shorter arena would have with defensive stance times or not, its been brought up countless times and has been debated heavily but not a peep from Kano on that particular issue. One thing is 100% for sure....it definitely gave defensively built accounts a huge advantage they did not have previously virtually overnight. Defensive stance is the only perk based on time.....how can shortening the arena by 2/3 of the time not have an effect? This purposeful or negligent action (what ever the case may be) has brought on the vast majority of the issues we are facing today and it makes zero sense as it belies their own stated intent/objective for the arenas.

    In the end it will not and can not be perfect for everyone, the best we can hope for is a happy medium which is a far cry from what we have now. Kano has made some changes in an attempt to appease (which is great n all) but in my opinion they're barking up the wrong tree and all that theyve done is swap one set of complainers for another. No doubt that the balancing act is a daunting task but for the good of their games no stone should be left unturned. Theres more they can do...they were on the right track when adjusting the slider but for some reason they abandoned their efforts. I for one would like to hear why.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok all I am gonna say is this IMO the slider does not affect the FB platform in PC ( not sure it makes a difference much in VC, I don't see it make much of a difference in LCN either as far as how long the arenas last, that I can see, and I know you guys play on another platform, so lumping a platform for a game with alot of players against one with almost no players is just plain silly, again IMO. Ya want PVP come play on FB , other that that I could care less how long , how short or whatever, but keep in Mind FB is a totally different and larger platform.
  12. get rid of the slider, side note here, if you are an atheist then you dont believe in god, therefore since satan is a part of the same story or book if you will it does not make very much since to believe in satan either. you cant not believe in god but believe in his counterpart. You can be an atheist, or you can be an satanist. But if you are a satanist you cannot be an atheist, because by accepting there is satan you are also accepting that there is god.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol.....I dont make this stuff up I just reply to what people say/claim. To each their own. Im sure the person who gave themselves that title would be more than happy to explain it as they placed in their forum footer that anybody wanting to know what it was could simply ask.
  14. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    im dyslexic with severe insomnia...i stay up all night wondering if theres a doG
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Good one :p
  16. slave

    slave Member

    in the beginning of the zs arena, the arena took the entire 3 days, no one cleaned out the opposition and the winner was declared the winner based on his health
    with some changes like adding in attack multipliers towards the end, the arenas stopped timing out, but they were rarely completed before 24 hours had gone by and if you were actually contending you pretty much had to man your character the entire 24 hours which was exhausting (required me a week to recover!) defensive time during that ordeal was little more than 45 minutes (and im a defensive account!) which means my defensive time was near tops in the entire arena, i think only nightmare had longer.

    then came the slider....defensive time for some reason or other has jumped (for me personally) to 3 hours and change
    while the duration of the arena is 4-6 hours. i am able to play for 15-20 minutes, get my health increased and then go take a nap for 3 hours while "active" players clean out the deadwood, and when i come back i can log on, spend my stamina for increased rewards and take my top 5 percent to the bank and congratulate myself for a well played arena, even though i only played for 15-20 min. i have placed as high as 4th with this strategy.

    it seems to me with the slider bar increasing stam attacks and the new weapons which afford a significantly longer time in defensive stance, the arena has become unbalanced, couple in the 286 computer and server they start the arena off with, in less than 5 minutes the arena is unplayable, as it is in complete lockdown, which further boosts me into defensive stance, as im really not that interested in clicking the mouse and seeing nothing happen, and then when the computer updates i see 100 people have died while i cannot attack
    with the unbalance, some people being able to kill when others cant even play, in addition to other accounts being slowed by the fortitude bar while others have zero issues, has completely ruined arena as far as im concerned, there is no balance when some accounts are slowed while others can do whatever they want, kano can dictate who can play and who cant

    right now i fall into the list of who cant, and therefore i dont
    not a bitch, just saying it like it is....

    but they have zero chance of making a penny from me for un purchases, they have completely ruined that opportunity for me and many others

    and they are apparently comfortable with it
  17. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Would just like to clarify that during this time while it appears as if you're doing nothing the attacks are in fact registering. Last arena I had 3 kills before the lag was over and I only really felt bad for the people that put a decent amount of stamina into my account before realizing how much health I had and ended up dooming themselves.
  18. slave

    slave Member

    and they may or are registering bacon, but i compare it to pounding my head against the wall
    while im doing it, it doesnt seem to be doing anything, but when i stop i realize my head hurts and im glad i stopped.....

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