I think we pretty much have always been in some form of agreement on the the the slider and other elements of the arena, our big diff in opinions is when it comes to active/inactive issues. While I can understand and even appreciate the the issue some players have that they cant/didnt make it in time....I just dont prioritize it as a more important issue as ensuring that the ones that can/did make it are rewarded properly. Theres no doubt that it sucks that not everyone that want to participate is gonna make it , but lets be realistic....thats never gonna happen. No start time is optimal for everyone and life happens. Personally I think it would be awesome if everyone who signed up could make it and be active....but I also dont try and fool myself into thinking that even that wouldnt present a whole other set of issues for some.
The slider has had both positive n negative impacts on the arena, there is legitimate arguments for both attack/ defensive built accounts ....no one thing is going to make it optimal for everyone. Even before there was the slider the arena had issues.....it was simply to long. The same argument that is used now of "I have a life and have other responsibilities to deal with"....was used back then as well but for diff reasons. Rather than "the arena is to short and I was dead before i could make it because i have a life" it was "the arena is too long and by the time i got back i was dead because i have a life". The only real difference being that players that were actually very active and spent resources had to get up and go at some point to deal with life and by the time they got back they were dead vs now that players that cant make it on time and spent zero resources finally show up and are dead. I dont know about you or anyone else but if I were Kano Im gonna make that tough decision in favor of the active resource using player every time. Thats what they did but in my opinion they went to far and threw it out of balance in the opposite direction. They tweaked the number of attacks but stopped short ....they never bothered with 2 attacks per. Without a doubt that would lengthen the duration a lil bit allowing at least a little more time for players to show up or smaller accounts a bit more time to strategize, get more levels and possibly rank higher. At the same time it would not increase the duration by so much that it would be unrealistic in most cases to see an entire arena through before other obligations required our attention/presence.
I dont know whether Kano even considered the impact the shorter arena would have with defensive stance times or not, its been brought up countless times and has been debated heavily but not a peep from Kano on that particular issue. One thing is 100% for sure....it definitely gave defensively built accounts a huge advantage they did not have previously virtually overnight. Defensive stance is the only perk based on time.....how can shortening the arena by 2/3 of the time not have an effect? This purposeful or negligent action (what ever the case may be) has brought on the vast majority of the issues we are facing today and it makes zero sense as it belies their own stated intent/objective for the arenas.
In the end it will not and can not be perfect for everyone, the best we can hope for is a happy medium which is a far cry from what we have now. Kano has made some changes in an attempt to appease (which is great n all) but in my opinion they're barking up the wrong tree and all that theyve done is swap one set of complainers for another. No doubt that the balancing act is a daunting task but for the good of their games no stone should be left unturned. Theres more they can do...they were on the right track when adjusting the slider but for some reason they abandoned their efforts. I for one would like to hear why.
Last edited: Dec 20, 2013