Recently there's been some concern here on the forums about inactive players in the Battle Arena placing highly when the Arena is over. While it is totally a player's choice whether or not they want to participate actively in any given Arena, it wasn't fair to higher level players for these inactive accounts to be placing highly when the Arena ended. As such, we've made a few changes to how active/inactive players are placed when an Arena ends. If you meet the minimum 100 attacks to qualify as an active player, you will be ranked normally based on the time you were eliminated from the Arena. If you fail to meet the minimum 100 attacks, you will be considered inactive and ranked below active players on the leaderboard. Inactive players will be ranked against each other based on attack count. As a side-effect of this change, your reward can only be collected when the Arena ends. If needed, we may adjust the minimum requirements. For example, the 100 attack minimum may change and possibly hitting a minimum number of unique opponents may be required. This will be based on reviewing the upcoming arenas and stats. This change will be in effect for the December 15 Battle Arena on Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra. If you have any questions or feedback about this change, please leave it here.
It would have been nice to know this before the registrations for the next arenas (for LCN and Pirates) were opened. I won't be able to participate in them due to the start time, and now I won't even get the meager rewards for signing up and getting a top 50 ranking due to inactivity, but other players will be levelling up against me.
Fair enough, I apologize for not being able to give sufficient notice on those two Arenas. However, this has been a hot-topic issue for the past while and there wasn't really a perfect place to announce it that wouldn't have this affect on the Arenas for the other two games while also being a timely fix.
Now I am getting curios how fast will drop the number of players.... and have to remember to join only 5 minutes before the arena starts if I am on line at that moment.
If the numbers drop so be it....but I doubt it will have a major impact. Players still get free XP for signing up regardless and they can still be anonymous. Lets be real....100 attacks is nothing and someone who is simply exploiting loophole in an aspect of the game that is intended for active players doesnt deserve anything let alone robbing someone else of their just reward. Active/supportive players deserve 100% of everything in this particular aspect of the game. The fact that someone chooses to be inactive or simply cant make it should have zero bearing on anything, its a game not a god given right...either u are there and participating or u r not.
You're right. I wish I could opt out of the next arena that I joined before this change was made, because the XP you get for joining is simply not worth it unless you can participate other than being an XP cow for active participants. I won't make any predictions about how this change is going to affect future arenas after the next one for now, we'll just see how things work out.
so Players have to just deal with it, you put an option for the wars for bosses in the boss job area not to allow non clan on them , how hard would it be to implement an opt out option?? Choices are a fairer way for players, IMO , .... granted alot won't notice one way or another, but the daily players who are passionate about their games, will .
If you were REALLY dedicated, you wouldn't mind waking up in the middle of the night, skipping work, etc. to participate in the arenas. I guess I'm not, I won't speak for any other semi-dedicated players such as myself.
Like i said earlier....i really wouldnt mind an opt out option ...i just dont see it as a huge deal for most. I do however understand the whole not wanting to give some others XP thing, thats why I dont sign up until I know I can actually be there. If someone is adamantly opposed / griefed by this update than I can understand them wanting to opt out of the next arena in which they already signed up for before this change was made. But after that what need would there be for an opt out option? As players in this thread have stated on numerous occasion its up to the players to remain informed. Going forward its on the players themselves to make decisions on how things are now done.
I see what you're saying, Polish. Although I do believe that groups can opt out of wars on an ongoing basis... It would be fine for me if the opt out for the arenas would only be for the next arena on each game, due to the circumstances that I mentioned in a previous post.
Please find below a copy of the ticket that I submitted to see if I can be removed from the next arena. Feel free to copy and paste and submit your own ticket if you wish to be removed as well. Don't forget to change the name! Good afternoon, Devs/Kano/Melanie. I registered for the next LCN arena before the changes were made to the reward structure yesterday. Is there any way that I can be removed? I would be more than happy to give back the XP I received for joining. I would appreciate anything you could do to process this request. Thanks in advance for your consideration. Jared
I agree, Jared, so for the next 4 arenas there could be a grace period, since I know players signed up, I know I did, and I would like to Leave and then decide that day, if I join 5 minutes before and still something came up then it would be on me, or if I miss the sign up time , again it is on me.
I don't think we can remove anyone from the Arena once you've registered. It's unfortunate that the PC Arena was affected by this change and some people would like to be removed from that Arena (or other ones) if they can't participate or meet the minimum 100 attacks required to be considered active. True, inactive players were sometimes getting rewards for joining in the Arena and ranking highly beforehand but there isn't a significant downside to this change outside of that. Other players are getting EXP off of you, but wasn't that the case originally? Again I apologize for the late notice, but on the plus side you get to keep the EXP awarded for joining. It's not a perfect solution, but this was a change that we believe was necessary and this is a one-off case. In the future if you don't think you can participate, don't join the Arena.
Not my fault that you start the games in the middle of "my" night and I'm dead when I get up, yet i'm still ranked at 105 !! Don't start this punishment for "inactive players" until we have at least had a chance to do 100 attacks !!
I don't stay up to date on all of the arena news but is there a time limit on when you need to have the 100 attacks to qualify as active? I thought it was 6 hours, but at 6 hours there are only 50 players left in the arena.
Please disregard this post. I submitted a revision to my tickets as follows below: Please disregard these tickets (it appears that 2 or 3 of them have been merged together). A Kano employee posted in the forum that opt out requests will not be considered. No response is necessary to these tickets.
Indeed.. If my stats allow me to get through the "My Sleep Time" and have a chance at getting me back into def mode so i can make a cuppa before I go work then i should not be penalised... I can see the point/winging from the players who nagged for this, but really, get a grip.. the six hour deadline is enough, dont break the broken game any further please I put all my points into def so I last longer in these tornerments.. I guess kano only get complaints when the wingers have the perfect time set up for them but fail epically to catch the kills so feel the need to winge and wine No wonder im not playing as much as i used to Q Bot
i totally agree, why should i be penalized if my stats are strong enough to last to the rewards phase, why shouldnt i get a reward, i was there at the end regardless of how many times i attacked or did not attack. Why shouldnt i get a reward? The really actives get lots of xp and levels for being active. If my defense time lasts till im in the rewards tier why does it matter how many times i attacked? Every one has the option to build the way they want. You already augmented all the heavy attackers with an attack slider. Why penalize people who added to their defense and last longer than those who did not. this change is stupid almost as stupid as changing the points allocation page, are their really people playing this game who cant read?