[FB] new character boost

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by hulk77, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. hulk77

    hulk77 Member

    I have been fighting people with a boost of 5.25, and thought it was the new character. Well I have recently got my character and I am still fighting people who have a 5.25 where my boost is only 5. Can someone tell me what is going on?
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    You probably got the wrong character. I believe two out of the three characters in each kano game has the boost. One doesn't have the boost on them because all the timers are down on that character more then the two with the battle boost.
  3. hulk77

    hulk77 Member

    Oh that makes since thanks for the help.
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Your welcome. If you feel like you made a mistake in the choice of characters you wanted because you wanted the attack boost i would message the developers at kano and see if they can help you and explain the situation that you thought all 3 characters had the attack boosts and see if they can help you switch to one that does have it.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yep if you feel like changing your character because you accidentally purchased the wrong one, send in a ticket to Support.
  6. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    What a nice man :)

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