[VC] Pop-Out World Chat Coming to Viking Clan on Kano Play and Facebook

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi everyone,

    At some point today the new World Chat we've been working on will be rolled out for Viking Clan on Facebook and Kano Play. This chat is exactly the same as the one currently on Mob Wars: LCN Zombie Slayer and Pirate Clan, if you happen to play those.

    vc chat.jpg

    It manifests as a blue box with the word Chat on it and that box is in the artwork window for your current location. Once the chat is open, it will automatically bump the game over and open on the right-hand side. The "X" button will close the chat and revert it back to its "blue box" state. The other button will pop the chat out into its own window, allowing you to re-size it and move it around. The chat currently comes with World, Guild, Group and Job Board tabs baked in.


    Job Board

    The Job Board allows you to freely send out Help requests without the need for Speakers. It will allow non-Clan players to hit your boss if you send it out, however, so be mindful of that. There is a toggle on the boss that you can hit to turn that functionality off. Only you can share your Bosses to the Job Board, no one else can.

    boss share.jpg

    Group Chat

    group chat.jpg

    Group Chat appears on the far right of the available tabs on the Chat. As you will soon be able to see there is a drop-down menu in there, which will display a variety of options. The All Groups menu will show every publicly available group which people can join and leave at will. Private groups will not appear here as those are invite-only. When you create a group, you have the option of making it public or private. To invite someone to a private group you need to enter their player name. Invites to private groups will appear on the bell icon.

    You can only be in five groups at a time, but there will be an indicator on the chat to let you know how many groups you're currently in. If you are the leader of a group and you want to leave, it must be deleted, no one else can take over ownership at this point.

    Additionally, the Kano Play chat will be disabled for Kano Play Server 2 when this new Chat goes live.

    If you have any questions or feedback please leave them here.
  2. Conor Murphy

    Conor Murphy Member

    What is this I don't even...
    When did this happen?

    brb while i get my mind round it
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I think we made it live right after I made the post this morning.
  4. Conor Murphy

    Conor Murphy Member

    This is my sole reaction right now.
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I tried on KANOPLAY and works fine there, but if actually use FB it's a pain in the arse. A lot of us use FB group chat's and especially 1 on 1 chat. What I propose if possible is to have option, just like moving chat window, being able to move VC page to a side. Obviously can't be a grab and move like how chat is, but maybe in 'settings' up top? Made a quick pic of what I mean.


    This is not cool smallest can make it and covers my VC page
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  6. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Not to talk about other Gaming Houses...but awhile back ...few yrs..i used to play a few games in a place called.The Zone..it was by MSN..they had a chat system that worked kind of like Facebooks..the chatbox be it group or private or world chat....In fact the chat boxes were exactly like FB's...the new released chat as is right now im not fond of..i dont want to have to dock the WC box every login or every time i want to chat or post a job..our VC page is so full now as it is..to me its not convenient ..some may like it though..
  7. jocularatrix

    jocularatrix New Member

    Slow down and spend two minutes examining each of the four options. This is a very user-friendly change, so do your homework (it's minimal!). Everyone else can do this.
  8. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Another problem CaptureTERROR.jpg

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    im not sure what problem youre trying to report matt...unless the persons boss youre attempting to hit is one of your clan
  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    and as for the chat update, i like it...is there anyway you could make it on the side like the kong chat? that would be PERFECT
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    New job board a boss 'non clan' which should be able to hit, and I can't. LOL I could care less but feature is not functioning correctly.
  12. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Matthew....if i have this right ....Turn on public sharing to allow attacks from non-Chieftain players (turned off ) and share in the jobs section it doesnt allow non clan to join...???
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @Matthew the non-Clan sharing can be turned on or off by the person who shared the Boss to the Job Board. If you're trying to hit a Boss on the board and it isn't working, it could be because they turned it off. Normally, Bosses shared on the board are open to non-clan. Additionally, we do move the game over and snap the chat in most of the time. We're looking into that now, though.

    Update: Alright we pushed a change that should let you snap your chat in as designed, Matthew. Let us know if it works or not.
  14. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Still same, what's 'as designed' suppose to look like?
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @Matthew By as design I mean basically how you represented it in your screenshot here: http://forums.kanoapps.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3157&d=1385438176

    We adding a bit more room to the snapping value to try to get it to work, but it looks like your monitor resolution is a bit on the small size. What is your resolution currently?

    We can't really add any more buffer to it because then it would start to overlap the actual Facebook side bar.
  16. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    External monitor

    Laptop monitor
  17. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Mitch, quick question. What resolution are you guys using and can I see screenshot of how it's suppose to look with no overlapping? TY
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    It depends, we all use different screens here, but we can test for multiple monitor resolutions. My laptop is currently 1600x900. The developer tested the chat using the displays you sent us in the screenshot and he was able to get the chat to snap in, even before we added the buffer.

    This is what it looks like snapped, it just fits in right beside the game:


    Hmm, I just realized I should have used Viking Clan to take a screenshot. :/
  19. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I meant from FB page, not Kano Play for FB if that helps.
  20. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    That's on the Facebook canvas version, I just have the optional background turned on.

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