[KanoPlay] KANOPLAY links to add new clan in redirecting to main page & not adding new player

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by James The App Guy, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. I'm assuming the same problem that had the boss links going to the main page will be the primary culprit for this as well. An example of the link I'm referring to is: http://www.kanoplay.com/myspace/vikingclan/join/recruit/

    The add codes work, but unless someone publishes their code in the feed, it looks like we'll be limited to adding people that post their invite codes.
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for reporting this! I sent it off to the developers and they'll take a look.
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    This has now been cleaned up a bit to allow requesting invites to go a little smoother. This will now happen when you click on the "Add to Clan" link on a player's profile:
    1. A message will be sent to the players Inbox with an Invite Request link attached
    2. When this link is click it will perform the Invite Request and send it back to you
    3. You will then be able to Accept this Invite Request from your alerts or from your Chieftain invite page

    It should be noted the old invite requests sent out before this change went live will still fall into this new workflow. The Inbox is magic like that ;)

    If you have any issues please let us know.
  4. Thanks for the fast turn around time on this. I know it's Friday so a special thanks to the programmers that took care of this before the weekend.
  5. aiza

    aiza New Member

    I find that most of the time if I wait a minute or two the boss shows up. Kinda like on my Iphone, at least in PC that is my experience lately.

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