I agree to some extent with you polish, but you are stating you do not think inactive should get any rewards and feel that only active players have the right to receive them. What I do not understand is in the last arena when there were six people left me being one of them. You and Jillian both never attacked the other two players that barely had any attacks and no kills at all, yet you both attacked me every 30 seconds to a minute and I had 12k attacks and 10 kills. If you are so concerned about inactive getting rewards then why didn't you kill the two inactive players before the active one? I understand the enemy thing and why you would want to take me out first, but unless you knew it was me you are stepping on what you are saying. I think anyone who joins the arena has the right to place however luck or skill brings them. I, myself, have an excellent defense stance and it didn't come easy, so that being said if you build your character to where you are rewarded something that helps your strategy than it is rightfully deserved.
The 3 attack option is something I actually like, I can go get my levels and kills for achievements a lot quicker, then just wait out on defense stance and hope I can place well. I personally never enable defensive stance in the beginning whether I am on or not. If I did, with this shorter arena it would definitely take me to the top with the amount I have. There are plenty of players with very terrible defensive stances and with this quicker arena it definitely takes out there chances of still being alive whether stance is enabled or not by the time they can actually play.
All that being said I have to kinda agree with you on the fact that a 2 stam attack per hit would be a better option.
I disagree with inactive not getting rewards because I could care less what they get and if luck gets them far so be it. The best rewards they can receive is for placing 50, and that is not really anything at all, so who really cares what they get. I'm just glad people participate so we all have targets to go after!!
You also state that higher levels in the arena should do well and deservedly so, then why shouldn't a defensive player be able to place well with their stance and deserve it?
Btw, Lower levels do have a shot at leveling if they are quick about it. I am considered a lower level to people of your level and I got:
During the Battle Arena you gained 2,618,703 XP!
Which was a good amount of leveling for a slow leveler like me!

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