Is anyone else?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by metalkid32, Jun 29, 2013.

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  1. metalkid32

    metalkid32 New Member

    Hey guys, just curious if anyone else is having the problem of logging in to the kano play accounts.
  2. yes, and I have also submitted a ticket
  3. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    Happened to me as FF and it is NOT a FF or Chrome Issue!
  4. I've tried all 4 of my browsers .... same thing, so it's got to be a kano server issue
  5. metalkid32

    metalkid32 New Member

    My idea exactly. I was hoping to get my daily gp in for a few games before i went to play soccer but looks like i'll be missing a day :/
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    im on viking and playing right now ...but i no if i refresh it will knock it happen on pirates to me...
  7. yup..Cannot get in to VC nor PC
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I just checked and I'm able to connect to Kano Play just fine.

    Sorry for the troubles, are any of you still have issues connecting?
  9. mitch, NO ONE is able to get into the games ... it loads for about one second then it's kicking us to the Facebook login
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    seill going on i try to open ptrates and it takes me to kanoplay for fb...
  11. ben

    ben Active Member

    also world feed is down too...
  12. deathblade

    deathblade New Member

    yes, i just tried and it takes me right back to the login page
  13. deathblade

    deathblade New Member

    i got the same problem
  14. ben

    ben Active Member

    just refresh pirates now and it came back on...and world feed is working now ...
  15. ok guys, I just got back in
  16. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    Mine isn't working either. I logged in with fb and it took me to my crappy lil account there not the kanoplay account.
  17. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Things should now be fixed. Will teach us for trying to push code end of day Friday before a long weekend!
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I think it should read..."Things should now be fixed. Will teach us for trying to push code end of day Friday after a long and well deserved beer Thursday right before a long weekend!" Just sayn. ;)
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Since the issues around logging in to Kano Play seem to be solved, I'm closing this thread.
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