kanoplay/myspace vc battle arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    was just curious if the vc battle arena was still going to be played on kanoplay /ms as scheduled for 6/15/13? It doesnt make a diff to me as i will be traveling out of state and have extremely limited time to play so i wont be entering, im just thinking of all those that did enter and havent been able to transfer over from MS yet. At this point they would just be sitting ducks and the few that have transferred will get inflated stats because of it. Personally....I think it would be the most fair to those that have entered yet not transferred if the arena were skipped this time around. Perhaps it might be a good idea as to make sure the new platform is completely stable before throwing the arena into the mix?
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hi polishpimp,

    We actually have a majority of the players signed up for the Battle Arena this weekend, so it will go ahead like normal! The developers are confident with the Battle Arena on Kano Play Myspace, so they don't feel the need to delay it this time around.
  3. do you guys have a firm count on the number of players that have made the switch and logged on to their myspace viking through kano play?
  4. big john klad

    big john klad Member

    well kano was in the arena an did not see anything wrong ,it worked just fine

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