Kano Play Beta (MySpace Server) Live'ish

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kendall, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    Yea i still have mine open and been sending that the site is open and i even did that on FB cause alot of players went there thinking they was just gonna have to start all over again at level 1
  2. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    also my guild leader tell me that the invite codes dont work on the captains tab....just like the add me dont work either have someone sending messages every few mins saying you be a friend of mine and i cant add him back after he declanned me to get my bounty
  3. Brown And Dangerous

    Brown And Dangerous New Member

    I just found the email that was sent to me

    You have requested an email address change at Zombie Slayer. Please click the following link to confirm your new email address. http://www.myspace.com/games/play/1...WVzdGFtcCI6MTM3MDY0NzIxMH0=","language":"en"}

    Zombie Slayer

    but when I click on the link I get this and I don't know what to do:

    We're sorry, we can't find the page you're looking for. But what we can do is offer you this special mix of tunes with running time of exactly 4:04. Just click on the album covers, or one of the links below, and enjoy.
  4. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    yea that links dead now its kano is no longer on myspace anymore so its a dead link...alot of players said they had to check their spam folder might have to check in that folder for it
  5. Brown And Dangerous

    Brown And Dangerous New Member

    that is the only email I had from them, I really need to get back to playing me game but I don't know what to do :(
  6. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Sorry that you're having trouble with the emails, you can try entering your old Myspace email and password here: http://www.kanoplay.com/myspace and try and get into the games that way.

    If that doesn't work, please contact Support and they can help you out!
  8. Brown And Dangerous

    Brown And Dangerous New Member

    already tried that but this is what I get when I use my old myspace email and password:

    Email/Password incorrect, please try again.
  9. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    yea you will have to click on that support word that mi7ch just posted to send them a message through support if you lost your password or whatever you did

    but hope to see you in game something and hope you get it all straighten out
  10. Brown And Dangerous

    Brown And Dangerous New Member

    General Information

    Full Name:
    Password (repeat):


    User ID:*
    Please input your User ID number located in game on your profile page.
    Social Network:* Facebook Myspace Kongregate
    Please the select the social network you play on that corresponds to your User ID.

    It ask me for my user ID number but I cant get it since myspace games r down now.
  11. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    check here https://myspace.com/settings/profile mine was they same when i logged into the new myspace its to the right a bit and says username should be some numbers in there

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    I want to buy UN but I don't have the credit card. Maybe you could introduce a new payment method such as PaybyCash or Ultimate Game Card ??
  13. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    if you have a local Walgreens or a store around you that has paypal prepaid cards you could add funds to a paypay account and get UN like that
  14. geff gur

    geff gur Member

    you guys at Kano are doing awesome, and it is appreciated.. looking forward to seeing the rest of the players who haven't gotten their emails yet back online.. biggest change for me: the gifting is AMAZING!!!
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator


    SHO KOSUGI Member

    Here we only have 7-11 which they only sell the Ultimate Game Card.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2013
  17. mi7ch, I am a member of the FB page that fallen mentioned ... he beat me to the punch about the site being up and running, but that's a good thing. We use that page for boss fights, new players, news from the game as we are not all necessarily mobbed up, but like to stay in touch outside of the game. We also use it as someplace that the different syns in the game can go to discuss treaties or issues that someone is having ... and we need neutral parties available just about 24 hours a day.

    BTW, Fallen, you KNOW Frances is gonna give you a good morning wake up punch LOL.
  18. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    Umm yes she did...matter of fact she killed me with the punch LOL No worries though...Payback is my favorite thing to do!
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You don't actually need your User ID, you can leave that field blank and still get through.
  20. FallenKnight

    FallenKnight Member

    Iif any of you former MySpace players have a Facebook and would like to join the Community we have there here is the link!

    @ Kano below is my latest post in the afore mentioned FB Community

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