Kano Play Beta (MySpace Server) Live'ish

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kendall, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well done Kano.

    I got no idea what i was thinking before saying you guys didnt care.
  2. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    I have friends that made their account with an email address but never used it for anything other than that and now can't log into that and or missed updating their info. What can they do now? I spent hours talking with a friend a couple nights ago that was really angry.
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    the problem is exactly as i sai it for some reson just wont send the request even now i click it and it just starts a new page. ill send him an add me request and post after to tell you if he/she can exept the link

    EDIT: a fix that i can see working is if you guys make it so that when you click add me on another persons profile it will send the request to clan them instead of sending them a message. do you get what im saying. not sure if im makeing my self clear alittle tired so ya.

    EDIT 2: ya i asked to clan another person but still no good i click the link i the message and it just sends me to a new pirateclan tab and doesnt send the request.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
  4. you guys and gals did an AWESOME job in the VERY short period of time that this has been going on ... as with ANYTHING that a human may do, there are bound to be glitches and bugs, but SO happy that KAN has such a great staff!!!!! KUDOS to all of you!!!
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Get them to write into http://support.kanoapps.com we have some other bugs to knock down, but if they get a ticket created we can look after them.
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    i for 1 want to thank all of kano crew for all the work and hours ya spent to get it done ...ty job well done...
  7. suffcoresepp

    suffcoresepp New Member

    :):):) good job Thanks Kano
  8. Kelex

    Kelex Member

    I got the Clan Invite problem too, but I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough. So far, that's the only problem I've noticed...

    Loving the speed. I'm so used to MySpace slowing it down to a crawl, it feels like I'm zooming along at hyper-speed. Excellent work Kano folks!
  9. Awesome of you guys to get this going so quickly, Great job, thanks guys.
  10. Dave Sanchez

    Dave Sanchez New Member

    Not my ZS account

    well i logged in thru my email and was taken to an old ZS account that was my son's..mine was level 1100 something..something went wrong here..
  11. mushroomhead

    mushroomhead New Member

    check your spam folder thats where mine was.
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I'd like to compliment on KANOS hard work through this difficult time for all MS gamers, cheer's bet your waiting for beer Friday!
  13. SkullRazer

    SkullRazer Member

    i found a bug but its nothing major when i usually post my minimum damage on my bosses in that little chat box on the boss page where shows who just attacked your boss and what number that attacker was....well when the list starts filling up i usually copy that again and delete the one from say 25 mins ago and then post it again before i ask for help on my boss again...well this is what comes up Feed message not found.

    then its still there lol
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
  14. i bookmarked the site but for some reason it keep pulling up very small. 1/3 of my screen i had to come back here to forum to copy link to get back in (what i mean by link )kanoplay.com some1 posted in forum b4 . not sure if that happening to others but that how i got back in twice so far . maybe might want to look into that
  15. -------using this link ---http://www.kanoplay.com/myspace/login
  16. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Sorry to hear of this mishap. Please send a ticket to http://support.kanoapps.com/ and we will try to rectify this for you as soon as we can tomorrow.
  17. Dave Sanchez

    Dave Sanchez New Member

    Thanks for the reply "Smack" i did send ticket..
  18. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Thank you SkullRazer for reporting this Boss Feed issue, we will look to fix this up tomorrow (later this morning). I will pass this along to the team.
  19. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    very pleased with Kanos work, my issue is the add request also, and GOT 1 QUESTION, IS THIS IT, ???????????? NO TRANSFERS FROM HERE. the winman
  20. David Stroud

    David Stroud Member

    The game is running fast and very smoothly without the competing java scripts and all that what you get on MySpace.

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