[LCN] Battle Arena Multi-Attack Feature Announcement and Feedback

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, May 24, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As we mentioned in this thread, we implemented a Multiple-Attack feature in the May 16th and 19th Battle Arenas (for PC and ZS respectively.) We will be keeping this feature in for tomorrow's LCN Battle Arena, and will continue to monitor performance and feedback to ensure it's a positive change for the game.

    Quick Breakdown of the feature:

    There will now be a Stamina slider available that you can set between 1 and 3, which will control how many attacks you make when clicking the attack button. If the slider is set to 3, each click will actually be 3 attacks on your opponent, and will yield 3 attacks worth of damage, experience, drops, etc.

    We will be monitoring tomorrow's Arena closely, and are very interested in your feedback after you have a chance to play with the feature. If you'd like to provide feedback about the feature, please do so in this thread. As always, we ask the players keep their feedback respectful and constructive. You are absolutely allowed and encouraged to let us know what you think, but we ask that you do so respectfully. We'd also ask that players not post multiple times on this thread, as the intent is to allow a variety of players to provide feedback.

    All that being said, what did you think? Did it make the arena less fun? More fun? More challenging? Less challenging? We will be examining the game data from the arena and community feedback to decide whether to adjust/scrap/keep the feature, so let us know!

    Note: This thread is for the Saturday, May 25th Arena, in Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra, so please hold your feedback until you've had a chance to play in that arena.
  2. Aceman41287

    Aceman41287 Member

    Is this for LCN BA or just for PC and ZS??
  3. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    This is for LCN, although I apologize for the ambiguity. I have edited the post for clarity :)
  4. Garth Jones

    Garth Jones Member

    The things some of us will do for a few extra XP :) The BA is a bit of a joke really, designed I believe for those who have clicked the most with their buddies. For those few free XP's, enter, switch into defense mode, go to bed (cos you have to sleep), wake up and without any participation by yourself, you dead. If you really lucky you may get a FP or two but I am left to wonder how many would partake if it weren't for those free XP?
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Technically it is supposed to be a free for all, and nothing has changed except for the 3 stamina slider, be glad you did not have he 10 stamina slider we had in PC , being the trial arena for that feature, lol, it has always had XP for joining whether you participate or not. Even players who do not participate, yet join, help the arena, as they are bodies to fill it.
  6. HammerTime

    HammerTime Member

    It just helps the ones that use hit helpers like the xxxx that managed 3k attacks on me in 30 seconds, another game getting ruined by the bot users, and yeah, so much for free for all, you'll never make the simple changes that can make it that way, you just keep making more stupid changes that help out the bot users and xxxxx that just set out to ruin it for certain players.

    Hey what the hell you mentioning my name for Bryan??
    Last edited: May 26, 2013

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