Battle Arena Multi-Attack Feature Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, May 16, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As we mentioned in this thread, we tested a new feature in today's Battle Arena that allowed players to make multiple attacks with a single click, between 1-10. There has already been quite a bit of discussion about the feature, but we wanted to allow players a centralized location to leave feedback about it.
    As always, we ask the players keep their feedback respectful and constructive. You are absolutely allowed and encouraged to let us know what you think, but we ask that you do so respectfully. We'd also ask that players not post multiple times on this thread, as the intent is to allow a variety of players to provide feedback.
    All that being said, what did you think? Did it make the arena less fun? More fun? More challenging? Less challenging? We will be examining the game data from the arena and community feedback to decide whether to adjust/scrap/keep the feature, so let us know!
  2. Defendo

    Defendo New Member

    I did not like this feature at all. All it does is give the players using the autoclick 10 times the advantage so instead of killing you in a minute they can do it 20 sec and your out. I vote get rid of this quick
  3. bone crusher craig

    bone crusher craig New Member

    arena new rules

    you have done to the game was make something almost impossible to completely impossible. It was already almost impossible to beat XXX, now it IS impossible. What the hell were you guys thinking ? Put the game back to where it was. PLEASE !!!
  4. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    STUPID STUPID STUPID OH DID I MENTION THAT WAS A STUPID IDEA,what in that world made you guys think that was even close to a good idea, you just told ALL the lower levels tough, what you going to do about it , STUPID I myself am done with them you just ensured the same people will continue to win, The wngmans thoughts
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    for starters...didnt u say 5 stam attacks? 10 is insane! scale it back to 2 and give it another try. I do see strategy that can be used by lower levels to win with a scaled back version. I also think a scaled back version would go a long way easing the "inactive" problems. Good idea...ya just missed the mark on the first try. No doubt this has been a daunting task, when ya get it all dialed in we'll give ya an achievement for it...oh wait....scratch that....just get it right for the sake of getting it right. lol (couldnt help myself, sy)

    Now that I think about it....stats from this arena should not count towards achievements as they have been artificially inflated in comparison to how previous arena stats were accumulated. Players should still get there rewards though.....they played with what was given them
  6. PaganWench

    PaganWench Active Member

    This Arena was badly skewed toward over-attack and we were given no way to beef up defense to withstand it. I don't even think Defense Mode is any help. It also seems to me that the higher-level pirates were given access to the lowers right from the beginning in both the last Arena and this one. I was accustomed to attacking/being attacked by people around my own level before that until much later in the Arena, when the crowd had thinned down to maybe 200 or so.
  7. redwing99999999

    redwing99999999 New Member

    Totally Dislike Was over 200000 health and was killed in a blink of a eye get rid of it and go back to the regular battle arena
  8. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Great addition.

    Can we increase it to 20?

    I remember when my armada complained bout search and it stayed.

    So why should this get removed for?
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  9. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Thanks again for all the feedback so far! We're keeping an eye on the Community feedback, and will be re-evaluating the feature before the next arena. Also, a quick reminder that this thread is meant for single-post feedback, so if your post was removed it was either a multiple post or not feed back (i.e. a question.) We will be doing a larger post to answer some of the questions we've seen pop up in other discussion threads and address any predominant issues we've noticed from this arena.
  10. jeff777

    jeff777 New Member

    i didn't like it i had 644mil. and i lost all in 5 to 10sec. . I really hope you guys don't do this in vikings or in here again.
  11. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    it is a terrible feature as it is and it only aids the highest of levels if this remains as is then i am sure the arena will die from no participation
  12. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i don't think you should eliminate it just yet. i say give it 1 or 2 more tries and a couple things i can see need improvement is that if somebody is doing a 10 stam attack against somebody else should have their defence mode increased by the number of attacks that the person is using against him/her. and another thing i can see is that i admit it should be lowered by half so only up to 5 stam attacks so that when you are being attacked you will have twice as long to respond and react. then if that still doesn't work i suggest lowering it again in the next arena so lowering it to 2 or 3 after, and if it still doesn't work out then get rid of it but give it a few chances scene you guys are spending time coding it. i know it would be a waste of time so why not try to improve it before you get rid of it.
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  13. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    It was a first run try. Some of the players crying are the ones who are more then likely snipes in the arena this feature takes it away from them. And it actually can make the arena more of a chance for anyone to win a lot of high level players got knocked out early because of this feature addition the same ones who always rank in the top 50 or so. Gives fresh blood around and keeps players coming back instead of dwindling numbers. Only thing i would suggest is looking at defensive mode for players all of them. Because there was a lot of complaint about defensive mode being useless because of the 10 hit ratio. If you don't like it there is always option A. don't play arena then.
  14. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    It definitely needs to be removed. It took away the fun because the Arena was done in just a few hours as opposed to a few days. During this time frame, many people were still at work or at school.

    As for the defensive stance, I have no idea why anyone would be complaining about that. I always start in def. stance because I tend to forget about the Battle Arena and show up late every time (if I remember to show up at all lol). This new stamina feature didn't hurt me at all while I was in def mode. In fact, I finished ranked 29th. I died as soon as def. stance expired because someone hit me so hard, they removed 600,000,000 of my life. I was dead in less than a minute after coming out of def. stance. I couldn't even try to fight, and I bought extra stamina so that I could. Waste of DJ points that I'll never do again.

    That being said, I don't feel like my place was earned. Happy? OMG YES! I'm ecstatic LOL! But how can I say I earned 29th place when I didn't fight to get there? I was shocked to see it and even felt guilty. So while you're (hopefully) removing the poorly planned stamina bar, you should do something about defensive stance being so strong.

    Thanks for listening :)
  15. jothong

    jothong Member

    A point from tonight's arena ... as a result of the 10x power attacks, the arena went by VERY quickly. As a result of the speed of the arena, in the top 20, the pirates finishing 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th DID NOT EVEN PLAY.

    I would suggest pulling it back from 10x to 5x or 3x. As Jon mentioned above, I was ecstatic that my kills weren't getting sniped.
  16. john frances

    john frances Member

    Think the changes are GREAT, it stopped the snipers taking your kill
    on the down side over to fast so adjust max to 3-5 stamina
  17. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    From my ipad the extra attack option did not show up at all. Unless its because I was using the Kano play server? I was wondering how I died so fast. Did you guys forget to enable it? So no unless you can make this feature show up for all different types of users its an unfair advantage.
  18. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month


    - I finished my 3500 stamina in 5-6 mins and I was free: very time saving
    - very small chances that someone will steal your kill


    - if someone starts attacking you, you have no chances to notice it and take any defense actions, you are dead
    - no chances to steal a kill, farmvile stile: what you attack it is yours
    - less attacks - less drops and harder to make the 100,000 Battle Arena Attacks achievement
    - inactive players starting in def mode will place high
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2013
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    that shows me that the high levelers can be taken out just as fast to ... so yes i will say it is fair to all...what i seen was people got confuse about it...when i seen what it did i started to get as many kills as i could right away...before i would be attacked...i new myself i could be taken out just as fast as anyone ...

    and may i add to --- i think it has brought out the true meaning of battle arena you must battle and get kills to survive in it...
  20. adlib2

    adlib2 New Member

    ~WOW~~What a Roller Coaster Ride~~Instant thrills. Yes, I got a lot of Kills, Yes, I blew a lot of Stamina Fast. Did I rank high, No~~much lower than usual.
    Do I want the 10 Stam to remain, No~~never had time to finish my coffee before I was dead. Defense mode did nothing, rival just blasted straight through~~

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