Something else that doesnt make a lot of sense to me is that supposedly the Battle arena was created with the higher levels predominantly in mind yet still gave others a chance. well that may have been the idea ....but whos really benefiting from the arenas? So to help out with a short battle page ....we get an arena every 10 many levels does a high leveled player get and in how much time compared to a low to mid level player who has a fraction of the so called success in the arena? Im lucky to get 20-30 levels and i play non stop from beginning to end and lead MS VC arena in both attacks and kills. Depending on the number of participants and a few other variables.....I rarely recoup what I spend in FP verses the 75 fp reward for winning. Sure....I think I could win an arena while attacking and killing far less while spending far less FP on stamina refills.....but if I did guess what would happen? I would get half of the meager levels I get now and my stats that go toward achievements would take a beating....either way its detrimental other than I get to win, yet theres no achievement for that.
On the other hand, low, mid and sorta high leveled players get to level for a fraction of the cost and obtain a ton more levels, more usable drops and get to do it in a fraction of the time. Who was the battle arena for again? All its really doing is allowing the lower levels catch up and get stronger faster. I would imagine thats the whole idea....slow down the highest of levels so the others can catch up and we all have bigger battle pages and the arena will be even more competitive. Although it comes at the expense of the highest of levels.....I suppose its not the worst idea ever (even though u had to screw over your most dedicated to do it). Maybe then we will even get achievement for winning the darn arena too! That would all be a lil easier to swallow if u werent discounting are current accomplishments along the way. Once again.....oh that were no longer competitive we get our achievements retroactively while everyone else gets something to look forward to and bask in currently.
Is it about balance? If my arena wins were tied to achievements and gave out corresponding skill points as reward....would that really send the game outta whack? Im already at a level that most will never obtain. The players that are passed me in levels or are close behind all have a realistic legitimate shot at winning and getting those rewards, everyone else is way behind and wont be affected and they already potentially get much more out of an arena.
Or is it like u say and u dont want to put out achievements so few can potentially get and that seemingly unobtainable achievements dont motivate players? If its the latter......that makes zero sense and is in direct contradiction to what you have done with so many of your most recent achievement updates and completely discriminates against all those that have already surpassed current achievement levels.
I think its also important to note that lower levels arena stats are artificially inflated due to the handicapping system....once again making what we do actually even more impressive while your r diminishing are accomplishments even more. There is but one player I cant beat in MS VC yet due to the handicapping system in the arena .....I lose a good portion of my attacks that I would normally never lose making it even harder and costlier to obtain my achievements than my lowered leveled counterparts. On the otherhand lower levels that would normally never be able to beat me ... can beat me upwards and over 50% of the time in the arena while racking up the best XP they can get anywhere. This allows lower level players to artificially inflate stats that go toward there achievements, yet what we do despite the handicaps and the stam and time invested not even rate an achievement......the more i think about it the more insulting i realize it is.
Last edited: May 10, 2013