[LCN] Syndicate Wars Participation Restriction

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    We'd like to address a player loophole issue with Syndicate Wars. We will be instituting a two-week lock period on new players in Syndicate wars. This restriction does not have any affect on players playing legitimately within our Terms of Use, and should only affect players looking to abuse certain aspects of the competition.

    How the restriction will work: newly created players less than 14 days old will not be able to contribute war points to their Syndicate, nor will other Syndicates be able to receive war points from these players. Once a player has passed the two-week threshold, they will be able to contribute as normal.

    If you have any questions or feedback about this, please post it below.
  2. Jayme

    Jayme Member

    about time. should be a level 750 limit in place like battle arena
  3. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    EXACTLY!! A mimimum level is necessary, or else teams will just rotate there little cash cows in every other week.
  4. mzinga

    mzinga New Member

    Agree w/Jayme

    Agree with Jayme. This isn't even a bandaid.. Players under level 300 shouldn't be allowed to contribute to war mode points. Or make it 750.. Either way, all this does is have certain syndicates create their alts 14 days in advance..

    The entire issue is that players under 300 can get massive war points just by listing all the players under level 300.

    We had several suggestions to fix war mode a long time ago.. Which included..

    • Remove war synds that had no points from previous week
    • Give players either less points for losing or more points for winning. Current setup of 3 points for a loss and 4 points for a win is too generous for the losing player
    • Either remove the restriction of players under 300 for war mode, or don't allow players under level 300. Alts should not be able to get more war points than high level players
    • Battle kills should have higher points
  5. mzinga

    mzinga New Member

    I missed a couple..

    Ambushes on the first five attacks should not register
    Rigs on the first list per day should not register
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I quoted the entire post, but this is in response to the sentences in boldface. This is not true. There are all kinds of limitations on players under level 300. On Kong, there are quite a few players below level 50, and I can't list them because I'm too high a level (73). I can't list anyone above me because I don't have enough cash, so all I can do is attack and punch as much as I can for war points. I like to think I get pretty decent war points, and all without listing, which gives you the most war points (10 per hit, I think). There may be restrictions, but you can't get decent war points if you only attack players in your level range, so this opens lower level players to retaliation attacks from higher level players (just like in regular fights). I'm not going to comment on anything else just yet.
  7. mzinga

    mzinga New Member

    I quoted the entire post, but this is in response to the sentences in boldface. This is not true. There are all kinds of limitations on players under level 300. On Kong, there are quite a few players below level 50, and I can't list them because I'm too high a level (73). I can't list anyone above me because I don't have enough cash, so all I can do is attack and punch as much as I can for war points. I like to think I get pretty decent war points, and all without listing, which gives you the most war points (10 per hit, I think). There may be restrictions, but you can't get decent war points if you only attack players in your level range, so this opens lower level players to retaliation attacks from higher level players (just like in regular fights). I'm not going to comment on anything else just yet.

    This is NOT about you getting war points, it is about them. If you are below 300, you can run around, and list all the 'dead' syndicates in war mode that have limitless people under level 300. This means that you can list people for 200k and get 10 war points all over the place. What this allows is that the 'under 300 club' can run around, list all sorts of people, and get 10k war points per week. All the time not being able to be attacked by anyone over level 300 in war mode.
  8. Pranav Sood

    Pranav Sood New Member

    About Time . Have been crying hoarse for changes in w/m .
    now can we have some of these too
    1. if in w/m all levels open to all ( nothing as too low a level or out of your range )
    2 losses points reduce to 1 or 2
    3 h/l should not open a 24 hr open window can be the same as in attacks (restricted )
    4 number of punches per day increase to 6 or 8
    5 if any syndicate is inactive ( as many are ) for the week automatic removal from w/m and they should have a week as waiting period to rejoin
  9. Lady Lucifera

    Lady Lucifera New Member

    there should be a limit of level 750 or 1000!!! and each syndicate that opens the war mode, it should be for one week, not that enable war mode, does take points to a syndicate friend, and immediately disables!
  10. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    Jared, last week on FB I, as well as many others, watched a Syndicate that that had an alt banned... Several hours later a new one 5 hours old showed up.. Within 3 days it had over 20k points.. That is what we are trying to stop! If you want to enter war mode, you should not have level protection at all! Very simple.. either minimum level requirement or no level protection..
  11. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Thanks for the feedback on this everyone. We've added further restrictions, which you read about here.
  12. Mr. Giggles

    Mr. Giggles New Member

    My question is when does all this start?

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