Mission Impossible?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eraser, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member


    "I cant win fights because Im a higher level"


    It had been a long while since I took on a fight wins goal, and I noticed my wins had really slacked off as my fight list was Depleting. So tonight, I took on a bold task. 1000 wins.

    Okay, there is a few things here.... First, I am at level 2228, Maybe thats not quite as bad as a level 3k-4k. I was able to maybe get 100 or so of those wins off my fight list, but 90 percent came from rivals. The next thing is, my account was made for fighting. the final thing... as I shown It took me for fkn ever. Most people would not be willing to spend that kind of time!

    but on the other hand, I will have you know. I didnt remove squads and trade hits with my friends, I didnt ask anyone to "friendly" list me to get my rivals, I dont have any alts. No stat padding of any kind. Just plain ol fashioned take no prisoners, kill first and ask questions later bash everything in sight.

    I guess all Im trying to say here is, It can be done!!!!!
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I like the negative coin LOL you provoke fights and list?
  3. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    well yes. I said I didnt have any "friendly" listings. Not that I didnt force a few plays :)
  4. Thats pretty awesome bro.
    Congrats on the mission impossible
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Thanks Midnight!

    Someone should show me up.... I would be down for a little rivalry....

    Someone show me how many wins/fight kills/ hitlist kills hell maybe even a XP/cash gained or Zombies killed....

    If i cant beat you, maybe someone else can!

    Just dont post anything bogus, not that anyone can proof it but still thats just weak. Come legit or dont come at all.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Nice job.

    On the real.
  7. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Thats great man, It was definitely tricky to get dinner without resetting my history, I had to been on the brink a few times.

    Im sure you where still ahead in the kills department :)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  8. Mission Impossible.jpg

    Today was my turn to try :p
    Very hard challenge for me, to keep my losses equal to my wins, as my def is a chocolate teapot, but the hunting target was surpassed :D
    To keep my losses down I have to hit and hide, and I hate doing that, so it was a mission impossible :D
    My Slayer build is so much fun.
  9. yo have seen before when i have had over 2trill in cash 1200 fight wins 40 fight kills or so and 90 hitlist kills so i know it can be done and that was me sat on it a good 12 hours or so and ye that is sad........... only thing is i dont know how to screen shot as id love to show it one day but them days dont come very often so bare with me lol
  10. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Here's a link on screen shots bad boy http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?8871-How-To-Take-A-Screenshot
  11. Nah Dale, not sad... dedicated :D
    Get a screenshot, would love to see it :D
  12. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Nice run!!!

    Ill have to get on a hunt sometime soon, but I know for sure I cant touch 39 fight kills!!!

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