Curious how someone can get their defense that high using Vaccine Boosts?
It's called an ambush. It's a counterattack that when set will increase someones defense 100,000%. If you attack somebody they have the option to set one. The more someone attacks you the cheaper they are. The more you attack them the more expensive they are. You can set up to a total of 75 ambushes at once spread among as many people as you want.
Awesome! Thank you so much GB! Perfect answer! I was unsure when it was applied under the Vaccine Bar but now I know. Thank you again.
No problem. If you're new to the game give me your link and I'll add. Always looking for more low level squad to help out.
After time, why can I no longer use 75? Right not I am only allowed to use a total of 17. That's it. Is the total available relative to level or how many you have previously set?
The number of Ambushes you can have set at one time in every game except for Zombie Slayer and Pirate Clan decrease as you level up, down to a minimum of 10.
Why doesn't ZS limit them? of all the games we are the Limit champs. EVERYTHING on zs is limited. Why not these? I mean folks only get 41 attacks, would think we'd have the limit set faster, lol.