Sorry had to correct myself on this.
1. There were two calenders the febuary carnage and leap year that were two day calenders both had 15 min intervals on them if i remember correctly possibly 20.
2. 3 day calenders came after those two but were still at 15 or 20 min intervals for the first one after that they became 30 min intervals because players complained about not being able to get done with them being 15 mins and they still complain about not being able to do it with the 30 min intervals either.
But technically they have all been 3 day calenders because of glitches with the carnage and leap year one caused them to be extended into the next day also so they reopened them and let some players finish.
The best solution is before you start a calender you either choose a 15 min timer or 30 min timer and which ever one you choose if u don't complete it its on you then problem solved.
Last edited: Dec 15, 2012