Battle Arena Attack Threshold for rewards

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Bread, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As some of you may have noticed in the most recent Battle Arenas, we recently add an attack threshold requirement to collect rewards in the arena. We apologize for the haste with which this was implemented, as many players were confused by this requirement as it was only announced in our weekly TGIF post.

    There has been quite a lot of discussion (<--click discussion to view a forum thread on the subject) about this threshold in the last few days, with players seeming to be split down the middle about whether they like this requirement or not.

    This change was implemented both because of player feedback concerning inactive players in the arena and a glitch in a recent arena that allowed for a couple of players to artificially inflate their rating and consequently their reward. While this glitch and its results have been fixed, we also wanted to implement a change that removed any incentive for future exploitation of similar glitches, hence the 100 attack requirement.

    We can understand a lot of the arguments being presented on both sides of this issue, and because of this are proposing a slight change in the attack threshold requirements.

    For future arenas, any player ending the arena with rank 49 or better will need 100 attacks or more to collect their reward. Players under the 100 attack threshold who have ranked between 49 and 1 will simply receive the rank 50 reward.

    We believe this will encourage activity and help prevent exploitation of glitches, while not punishing players too severely for not being able to participate as much as they'd prefer.

    We're hoping this is a fair compromise for both sides, and are interested in what you think about this. Please post your opinions (respectfully and civilly) below. :)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    It's better.

    Although if a inactive got #1(unlikely but it could happen)they should receive the reward.

    But this looks acceptable.
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Seems like a good compromise :)
  4. ben

    ben Active Member

    i will agree with ... ty much ... and hope more players will join the number is very low at this point on ms pc arena ...
  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    *I updated some of the language to make it more clear. Just to reiterate: if you rank 49th, 1st, or anything between those two, you will receive the reward for ranking 50th instead of what you ranked if you do less than 100 attacks.
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I believe this is a fair compromise for everyone.
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Now that is better.

    Those rewards aren't much as it is,so it's a fair compromise.
  8. jothong

    jothong Member

    So - what happens to the other folks in the top 50 spots? Do they all move up a spot? (Example, if I am 26th and missed the top 25 tier, do I get moved up one if the guy in 13th didn't meet the minimum attack requirements?)
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    The one in 13th would only get the 50th place reward not 13th place..
  10. I feel like there are times where some inactives don't even make it to the pool in order to be attacked. I feel like actives are more like to be shown on the pool of attacks when you refresh your page. maybe once there are 200 or less players, the inactives(0 attacks) should have a higher chance of being thrown in the front line. For example if there were less than 200 players and I refreshed my page, I shall see a pool full of inactives instead of the opposite, which pretty much shows a pool of a bunch of players with 10,000 or 15,000+ attacks. That will probably reduce the number of inactives players ranking really high.
  11. ALSO I wanted to add. What IF?? everyone's attack and defense became equal once there is a certain number of players left. Like if everyone's attack became 100(just numbers for sake of example) and everyone's defense became 50. That could become a true free for all!!

    Just throwing out there as an idea, and yeah many people might go against it.
  12. Debra Otter

    Debra Otter Member

    works for me... I been one who said did not think it was right if you did not play.. been a time or two i couldn't, either I just forgot or something came up.. placed fairly decent.. 43 isnt bad for not playing.
  13. ben

    ben Active Member

    really now (not)...earn your way...
  14. TonyDu

    TonyDu Member

    What if there are more than 50 active players on BA? The most fair amount is top # of participants /5. (For the 100 attack requirement)

    What if they did less than 100 attacks, but did attack? Rank them higher than the ones that did 0 attacks. (Depends what rank they die)

    What if an inactive got a kill? (It has happened before) Rank them higher then the inactives that didn't get a kill.

    What if there are less active players than top # of participants /5? The inactives can get the reward depending what rank they die.

    Just an opinion.
  15. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    This comming from the guy that supports "rewards for nothing"

    Your profile got lost in the abyss and didnt show up on anyones battle list to the end.

    Yeah, You should get a free level and some favor points for that. Totally.
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Yep you should.

    Cause that would be Kano's fault if that happened.
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And another thing,why would you want everyone to have the same stats?

    Thats taking away advantages you earned via the game.

    And yes,in some way,inactives did earn their positions.

    Whether they just weren't considered a threat,not a appealing target,or just slipped through via a Kano error.

    So yes inactives deserve whatever rank they get.
  18. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    @Tony Only players in the top 50 who have less than 100 attacks will be affected. Every other player will receive the rewards appropriate for their rank.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its a step in the right direction...a baby step mind you, but a step none the less, ty Kano.

    I agree with a previous poster and have posted many times on a similar subject, it indeed seems that many inactive players get lost in cyberspace only to reappear near the end of the arena virtually unscathed. Even if this common occurence isnt a glitch and its just how things work out strangely enough, it just doesnt seem right that these players are taking ranked positions from players who are actually playing.

    Wasnt the arenas purpose and reason for being not intended to give players who actually liked battling and PVP action something to do because of their limited battle lists? Keeping that in mind is it not odd that so many inactive players are knocking active players out of the ranks? Obviously an active player is going to draw more attention to themselves from other actives while inactives really pose no threat.....basically this promotes inactivity by most players in an area of the game which was intended to be all about PVP action...this makes zero sense to me.

    I cant help but think that this is just another case of kano caving in to players who either cant or wont go the extra mile to succeed. YES...we all know that some people cant play as much for a myriad of different reasons, is that reason to lessen the experience from those who do devote more time and or money? These games are not a democrasy, everyone is not created equal, you get out of them what u put into them as it should be. The mere fact that u cant be here but would have liked to be is just unfortanate circumstances for should not affect anyone that is here in the slightest.

    Over the years Ive seen these once great Pvp games become a mere shell of themselves merly bearing the same name as the great games they once were. Limits, restrictions, caps, have taken the game and its results out of the hands of the individual player and herded them as sheep so as the lesser or more time constained player doesnt get their feelings hurt. In games such as these where everything is based on hard numbers which are limited by level there is very little that seperates one player from the next, its the great players that find a way to seperate themselves from the pack while still playing within the rules, But once this happens the dogs are sent out to bring the run away sheep back to the herd, So whats the point?

    A lot of great ideas whith specific audiences and purposes in mind have been presented by Kano and its players here in the forums, unfortunately by the time some of these ideas make it to the game they are so watered down they are nothing like what was anticipated. Guild wars anyone? The areana is proving to be just another example of this. Active players support these games.....when do we get something that is actually for and rewards just us? Inactive players and those more peace oriented already have the ability to hide in the hospital or hidden guilds while doing bosses ,adventures and hitting undeads so they wont provoke anyone to attack, they have limits, caps and restrictions so they can artificially keep pace with the better or more dedicated players, they have watered down guild wars, gamer points and the lottery, they get to enter the arena and get free XP and a shot at getting rewards for doing absolutely nothing while those that pay and play the most get the shaft. The battle arena was supposed to give us what was lacking in other aspects of the game and it has to some extent, but its a crying shame that low to mid level players who actually want to be active players stand almost no chance at succeeding because inactive players in an aspect of the game that was in intended for activeness are rewarded for doing nothing.

    A player in the regular game who has lousy defense and attack numbers while having high health makes for a very unattractive target in the arena, their kill reward and XP suck while their health is very high. Ive seen time and time again players with stats such as this repeatedly ranking well while remaining completely inactive while extremly active players who simply have had the misfortune of running into a active higher leveled player get nothing, when are you going to start taking care of those that take care of you Kano?

    A step in the right direction indeed......just a very very small one
  20. slave

    slave Member

    taking it one step further polish

    i have posted on this before, there is no penalty that exists on an inactive player in the current arena, when it started they lost a percentage of health after x number of hours of inactivity, this was then reduced significantly and now no longer exists.

    my proposal was double fold, reduce an inactive players health while doubling his health reward, continue to do this after x hours each hour till the arena ends, this will end all the ridicolous arguments about inactive players as it would make them choice targets giving health rewards exceeding active players and make them top of the list targets, an inactive found late in the arena would be a cherry on top....

    and should result in all inactives being purged out of an arena and allow it to do its intended purpose...

    so if target x had a health reward of 50 million after 10 hours it doubles to 100 million and his health is halved, the next hour his reward doubles to 200 million and his health is halved wont take long for people to search out these nuggets and end their arena as it should end, early enough before the rewards tier is made.

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