Once you fulfill the required amount of recruited chieftains (btw the game still says it 1k, so don't know the actual amount now), does the game auto-pick the chieftains with the highest level or bsi to bring to your battles? Also, does same hold true for hired chieftains? Thanks for any input.
most of this can be found in the help section of the game page, this is copied from there During a battle, every Captain of your Clan is armed with your most powerful items and are limited to the number that they can bring in. For example, if you have 2 Captains in your Clan, you should try to own at least 20 Weapons and 20 Mateys or you will not be maximizing the use of your Captains. Each Captain of your Clan can bring 10 Weapons, 10 Mateys and 1 Ship into battle. During battles your strongest inventory items are automatically selected from your Power-Ups, Clan Inventory, Gifts and Davy Jones Items.