Hitlist refresh

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Naughty Bear, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. Naughty Bear

    Naughty Bear New Member

    I am not sure if this has been suggested before couldn't find anything.

    It is becoming increasingly more difficult to hunt on the hitlist with the bot and hotkey users. I am wondering if perhaps the hitlist link that we use to refresh the hitlist could be moved to the right of the page above where the attack would appear when a bounty was available. This would reduce the time it takes for the legitimate hunters to get from the refresh to the attack button. I know this isn't a fix for countering the cheats but it may give the rest of us a bit more of a chance to beat the bots.
  2. Mary Lou

    Mary Lou Member

    Great idea!
  3. HammerTime

    HammerTime Member

    Couldn't agree more with that idea, at least give us a better chance if nothing is gunna get done about the cheaters
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Should get moved to ideas.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    this wont give real players any better shot over bots....sy
  6. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    have moved to ideas

    i agree this wont change anything but only make it easier for players to quickly move there mouse less distance
  7. alka

    alka Banned

    It would make no difference if the button moved all over the screen with each click. The Bot is coded to look for the button and not the position of it.
    While your idea might prevent some of the "Hotkey" or Auto mouse guys, you would be playing into the hands of the Bots, so you would still not improve your chances of getting hits.

    I won't vote on this as the coders are aware of how Bots work, they just don't implement clever coding to seek them out!
  8. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    how about this. If you think somone is using a bot, Just list them over and over. They're bot will not be programed to keep trapping you, just to heal and hunt.

    Then, they come back to see what they're bot has done for them, and see they have been listed 10 times....

    Go thru this a few times, and maybe they wont be so bot-happy.

    Ps. if they're trapping you, and listing you back, Its not a bot.

    and people who use hotkeys, will give you no difference, because hot-keys require you to move the mouse just the same, if anything would only give somone with hot keys more of and advantage. because there would be no "missing the button"
  9. alka

    alka Banned

    I listed Tombot 65 times in under an hour once. It didn't stop her :(

    Kano : Tombot is NOT a user name, so no TOS have been broken here.
  10. Naughty Bear

    Naughty Bear New Member

    You seem to misunderstand the suggestion is to move the refresh from where it is on the left between fight and rival mobs to the right hand side of the hitlist page. As Fusheng understands to reduce the travelling time from the refresh to the attack button for legitimate hunters. The ideas is to try and reduce the time it takes for us to get to the attack button. No this isnt going to stop the bots but perhaps it will reduce the time for us to get to the attack by a second or more. It is only a suggestion to slightly even the playing field, I would think that non-bot users would agree.
  11. Naughty Bear

    Naughty Bear New Member

    Have attached screenshot of mob wars hitlist page so you can see what I mean with the refresh.

  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Can't see what that is...

    Either I just can't see that or your file is a dud.
  13. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    File is a dud. Maybe a .png? I know a lot of sites don't support that file.
  14. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Gave a 10/10 btw. Great idea. As most people are reading it they think it is to stop bots but it isn't. It's the make the average hunter travel less for the attack button therefore giving a non bot user a chance to hit faster than normally.
  15. Naughty Bear

    Naughty Bear New Member

    I am having the same problem it wont post properly but if you right click on it and open in new tab it will show. Sorry never tried attaching an image before.
  16. slave

    slave Member

    personally i think your giving a little bit too much credit to the "bots"
    whenever i hunt, i am successful, i dont expect to get every list i try for, that is unrealistic, but i get some.

    the bigger issue is who wants to spend all day spamming the hitlist tab to hunt? not me

    id like to think i have better things to do than stare at the screen spamming the hitlist tab, that reeks of gaming the system and grinding it out......but to each his own
  17. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Exactly... it's too labor intensive to me... I spend a few minutes a day looking out for the flashing button, but I'm not going to sit there all day clicking on it, when there are other things to do in the games... and in life...
  18. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I do understand the concept, but what you dont understand. What i said was, There is no effect for people that use hotkeys. only takes out room for error for them too.

    What you clearly dont understand yourself is,for every 1 person using a bot, there are a dozens people using hot keys.

    I dont really see your idea as "leveling the playing feild". I think the distance is there for a reason, It makes room for error. Its been a part of the hunters game this entire time, and i dont think it should be elimenated.

    With this idea implemented, Hotkey players will be just as flawless as you are, and guess what, They're clicking a hell of a lot faster than you are.

    If you think somone is cheating, you have two choices. Take matters into your own hands, or call in johnny law. I prefer the first methond myself.

    but, if your preference is the later half, The support link is in my signature. Report away.

    I have also always had the personal view that most people who are so quick to label somone else a cheater, are just upset because they do not have the skills of the other player so that other player must be cheating. Try this one on for size, There could be a chance that that player is killing more from the hitlist because thier atack and health are double of yours, and doing 3 times as much damage when they attack.
  19. Naughty Bear

    Naughty Bear New Member

    Oh that is so constructive and everyone should take note cos for some reason you are a game guru, LMAO. I have over 1000 hl kills most of those over a year ago as I stopped hunting due to the cheats. I can actually get more bountys on mob wars hitlist with all the bots there. Why because of the position of the refresh button and the health to damage difference. If someone only requires one hit in lcn to die then a bot or hotkey user is going to get it. legitimate hunters who get bounties would more than likely get them from those targets who have a lot of health. Bounty hunting is about speed and luck, you dont have to be the first attacker you have to be lucky last but if you are a bot or hotkey user then it is more likely you can get the kill because they will attack faster and therefore more times.

    In the end it doesnt matter if your opinion or mine is correct, it only matters that this is a suggestion that others agree may help to reduce the time for legitimate hl hunters to get to the attack button. It is not a debate on someones skills or lack there of, whether they are a bot user, or any other lame arguement made here. It is simply a suggestion/request that hurts no one!!!! The implementation of this suggestion would hurt no one unless it works and the cheats get less bounties. So WHAT THE F IS THE ARGUEMENT ABOUT?

    Those that actually want to crap on this suggestion gives me an opinion that they are shallow, negative people whom probably cheat. Game Guru??????? If you are such a guru then there wouldnt be a problem with cheating because you would be so wise to the game that all problems would be fixed, so, suggestion change your title. Because you like to spew crap from your mouth on most threads doesnt make you a guru of anything but a sewerage farm.
  20. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    If you would only "READ" you would see that my arguement is that it HELPS hotkey users MORE than it hurts bots.

    ie. Somone using hot keys could have before over shot the button, and gave you a chance to kill it before they hit it with 50 clicks a second, but with your idea implemented, they will never miss.

    as far as your indriect allegations that, If dont support your idea, I must be a cheater too, Ill repeat, Support links are in my Signature, My game link is also in my signature. (Leap). Go for it dude, My hands are clean.

    Im a game guru, because Ive played my game for 3 years, and take an interest in helping people. (on and off forums). The label is simply an invitation for anyone to ask me questions/advice. I have no power to ban cheaters neither would i be interested in such a job.

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