Your name has been reset to Unknown Mobster by an administrator. Your previous name was in violation of the Terms of Service, change it to something less offensive. Less offensive? There are peeps out there with far worse name. I had BABYDOLL DOES TM BABE. What is wrong with that? When I complained someone used TWAT in their name, nothing was done. I object and want my name back the way it was.
nah, let's all run to the administrators, hahahahaha whiners and crybabies. this is a war game, so bring it
No, let them come here. I want this addressed here. Thank God I had to go out today. Was going to put another 50 into the game. I want this addressed here or I give up this game and just suck up the money I already spent
Does not cost to change it when its changed to unknown mobster. Although I will agree its amazing how so many get away with the names they get away with.
This really is an issue you need to contact Support about so you can speak one on one with a developer. I doubt you will get an answer here.