I would like some feedback on How to stat for Zombie Slayers only

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Julie Detroit, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    Lol I say that because this app is different.

    I would like to know what people think your health should be if you have 200/200, 250/250, 300/300, 350/350 (Attack/Defense) and so on. I have a ton of friends you keep asking me and I really dont know the right balance.

    I keep asking the top player but I am not getting a straight answer(one person told me)

    *And to be clear I am speaking of the amount of skill points you have used, not your overall stats (which include your 3 premium item's, because it is different for each person).

    I know there must be a correct formula if not a close balance, and I am not interested in anyone's Energy stats.

  2. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    I know I need to upgrade my health but I am unsure how much, Is 600 to high, or 800?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  3. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    This is such a new app it's hard for anyone at this point to give an exact answer.. I would start with getting your stats up to at least the min for the achievements & go from there.
  4. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    it really depends on how you wish to play, if you want to get to a high level, work on stam/energy first. if you want to be a beast work you attack/defence.
    health obviously affects the total damage taken in fights and boss fights, more total health you have the more damage you can do.

    as there is many kinda of game play, defender, attacker, leveler, and a hybrid of all. you get the drift, there is no perfect account just fun game play (but the higher lvl you are the stronger your enermy get)
  5. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    I'm waiting to get the other stats up before I go for the health one if I decide to get it. It takes 1000 skill points to get the health acheivement that only gives you a 15 skill point bonus so it's not really even worth doing it unless that amount of health gives some sort of major playing advantage. I also had a higher level tell me to take it easy on the health because since you do more damage to the bosses you get less XP from them.
  6. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    high health can be worth it some times.

    if you attack some body and they all so have a high health there is a MUCH greater chance of getting more XP per fight (eg 14-15 gain 15xp, 74-90 gain 50xp), but for that they too must have a boosted health.. but im not telling you to boost your health, but there are some good sides, dont try to hit 10,000 strait away, im lvl 130 and i only have 900 so take your time people.

    but allways remeber points you have used on health dont really help you besides higher attack amount + POSSIBLE higher xp in FIGHTS

    and health tip was only put in first post for people who want to make there account into a boss killer.
  7. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    I have 700 at level 157 and it's working for me at the moment. I plan to add more, just don't know if I will go 10,000. It depends on how many other I'm up against decide to go for the achievement. Their playing strategy effects mine. In this game it might be better to be closer to average then so much better then everyone else in terms of gaining XP. There are so many different factors in the fighting element of this game I don't know there will ever be an exact perfect stat formula. It's new still and we will see. :)
  8. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    yes but every app runs on a base engine, even if this app is new its still based on the same engine as others, wich means the Stat formula's will allways be the same...
    attack Vs defense, Defense vs Attack, cant change that from app to app...

    but to your "exact perfect stat formula"
    there is never a perfect formula, its all up to you, your the only person playing your account so your account build should suit how you play......

    but i had pointed out all the main points of each attributes in my last post's and i hope any of that is some help.

    KNIGHT New Member

    There is no exact known formula amongst us players..but Id say get that health up as you go.it helps in several ways.Id say aim for 2000 health(not all at once..but adjust health up a bit every 10 levels you go.)
  10. cesarr

    cesarr Member

    the way I tell is by my level, if I'm at level 200 I would need a minimum of 2000 health
  11. Linedogs Gun Girl

    Linedogs Gun Girl New Member

    Any discussion on stats and what a good ZS character needs is of interest. I have read and tried to create what I am reading in regards to building a strong character.

    Each level, I put equally into Attack, Defense, and Health. I alternate with stam and energy. Any extra pts for achievements, I put into stam and attack.

    There is no right way to build, it really depends on what you are wanting to have your character do. As the game is played more and more information is given, I am sure that there will be information that will be helpful to new players coming into the game. Many of us that play daily will pioneer how the game is played and will have tips later.

    Just use what you can use from others advise and do what you think you need to do in the game.
  12. Optimus Prime

    Optimus Prime Banned

    that is going to be a kick ass set up, ones you get to a level you feel safe at (a very high level) pile on attack & or defense :cool:
  13. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    Thank you Cesar , I was at 400 health and was getting like 1500 attack and now at 600 health I am getting 3000 attack, so I will be moving up
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  14. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    Yes Optimus Prime I here you! I was asking because I noticed differences in the 4 myspace versions with the health to attack/defense ratio. in Mob Wars I had a very good attack, and added some health and my attack went down a little.

    See I waited I put everything into attack/defense and now I am building my health, so my attack is climbing fast. The only problem now is it takes longer to level. Plus I am not fighting right now, I am trying to get all bosses to level 10 first.
  15. Linedogs Gun Girl

    Linedogs Gun Girl New Member

    I think it might work, so far I can do some pretty good damage to boss fights. Currently I am at level 235 and have over 1300 health with over 400 attack and close to 400 in defense. We will see how it works as I move up!
  16. POG MA HAON 2

    POG MA HAON 2 New Member

    In this game i have found that health..is the key so for every 100 levels i have matched my health against it so level 200 = 2000 400 = 4000 but i am more intrested in boss jobs as there is no fighting I need to be on the hitlist to get a rivals list so for my game its working...

    not paying attention to attack and defense is a mistake...and if ..I had my time again..i would not have invested so much in energy..the jobs drops are no help (except the Italy last job where u get the rugby player...lethal )
    I very rarley see these destructibles used in a fight against me and they are a bonus to you in fighting so its a mistake not to have them upgrade ..

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