la cosa nostra down.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gods people, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    whats going on guys.

    WHELER Banned

    Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra is offline, we hope to have it back up shortly.

    Thanks for your patience, we will be back shortly!
    ... figures it hapens today of all days:(... yesterday was Canada day here where Kanno apps is located, but thanks to comercialism, Today the 2nd is the official holiday ... could be a while before there back up n running
  3. sTINKer

    sTINKer Member

    zs down as well in ms and fb :$ hope someone is around that can give us actual info soon

    WHELER Banned

    myspace is back up... well sorta.. works on IE browser, but firefox keeps giving me : Our site has issues. Literally. We’re working hard to get things back in working order as quickly as possible.
    -The Myspace Team. :
  5. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Try google... seems to be a little slow, but it's working... it seems that LCN, Vikings, and Pirates were all down for about 30 minutes or so (I don't play Zombies)...
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys late to the party. Just got home myself. But after reading everything from kano they had a cache server failure because of all the bad weather in the eastcoast it finally nailed them also with power outages. Sorry for any inconvencinece this may have caused in your game play. But kano said it should be back up and running with no further issues hopefully for the night with power outages but cannot be 100 percent sure since so many are still without power around those areas and keep having rolling black outs.
  7. Danny_boy

    Danny_boy New Member

    I want to know what happened to my exp's from the FBI world boss? and all my drops
  8. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I am not sure of that Danny since i only monitor the forums and report issues to kano to help them out. If you could the link on my posting for support click on it and send in your issue with any documentation or screen shots. If your not sure how to take a screen shot you can also look on my forum profile and it has a posting there on how to do this. Sorry for the inconvenince this may be causing but that is all i can do on my end is have you send to support using that link.

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